Why Voting for
Bush is in Vain and Who Merits My Vote July 12, 2004
This very long column is in response to the e-mail we have received
about our
previous column, "The Kerry Deception" and the current
Life Lines column,
"Disconnect from Reality". Too many of you are under the
impression that we ought to vote for Bush, period, citing a litany of
reasons, which can be reduced to essentially three:
1. He is better than Kerry, period, or at least, better in foreign
2. He will give us better Supreme Court and District Court judges;
3. He signed the partial-birth abortion ban passed by Congress and
favors traditional marriage.
I have no doubt that the letter writers are sincere, devoted Catholics,
who have put a lot of thought into their position and are passionate
enough to try to persuade me to see their point of view. I appreciate
this very much, but every day I am more convinced than ever that voting
for Bush and whomever will be his running mate if Cheney gets dumped,
is useless and wastes my
time and energy leaving me with false hope, not to mention fidelity to
my conscience. So this column is another stab at explaining the
position of dedicated Catholics with traditional, legitimate political
goals, for what it truly is, which will be partly a summary of the two
afore-mentioned columns expanded for a more in-depth perspective. I
will try to put as much thought into this response as those who wrote
in did. In the process I will attempt to dissect the three over-arching
reasons why a traditional Catholic ought to vote for Bush, to see if
the claims are valid, or at least as valid as claimed.
A Brief Recap of American
History in
re the Constitutional Powers
America is often touted as "a democracy" with power to the people, etc.
Democracy is supposed to be a process,
not a state of being.
Technically and much more
accurately we are a Constitutional Republic, ordered to and by our
charter, the U.S. Constitution; thus we are supposedly a nation under
law, not men; those men and women who serve in public offices are
intended to
uphold the national charter and the laws that pertain therein. And the
laws that they effect must take into account the general good as
established by the natural law. The
authority for their holding office is almighty God, from Whom all
rightful authority derives, but the means to choose our representatives
political life is the one man, one vote ballot system, which is a form
of democracy, with the Electoral College as a bulwark against popular
elections for President and Vice-President.
The Founders had a healthy sense of the ramifications of Original Sin,
unlike our present cadre of leaders, and feared full-blown democracy
where the people rule directly. [In fact they cynically,
hypocritically, used the effects of Original Sin to induce riots to
spur the violent revolution.] Tyranny by the mob given to excessive
self-indulgence, is still tyranny and to be feared even more than other
kinds. Anyone caught up in a runaway mob during a fire or a soccer game
understands the analogy. So the first American statesmen decided on a
separation of powers, the Congress, for legislating and representing
the states and the people, the Presidency or Executive branch, for
overseeing the general welfare [not "welfare" as presently defined] and
for uniting the country, to wage war if need be with the consent of
Congress, etc.; and the Judiciary to safeguard the Constitution, to
settle disputes between the states, and so forth. Now the fact that the
were almost to a man, anti-Catholic, who wrote our charter in the
Masonic view, and eventually coined some of our money with Masonic
symbols, laid out the architectural-geometric plan for Washington in a
Masonic, pentagonal grid in their extreme captivity to that mentality,
and of a liberal Protestant mentality, and
those who were not Masonic by membership, at least Masonic in their
attitude, is immaterial to the discussion here. That would be not just
another column, but an entire book! It isn't that these facts are not
germane at all, only not to the present
crisis of government we are addressing here. In fact the crisis is and
was, in the final analysis, precipitated by the Masonic charter itself,
because it was established through the same mentality that confused
good men and gave vent to the anti-Roman, anti-monarchy spirit of the
age in those who were neither confused nor good. But
knowing this and being convinced of this will not assist us in
November; all it can do is provide us with a broad perspective
for the future, if we are
serious about being patriots.
When the United States came into existence as a distinct nation,
literacy was far higher than it is today and of those who were literate
[near 100% of the non-slave population], most had a grasp of the
fundamentals of self-government and what it actually means to be a
nation of laws, not men. Only those with property generally could vote
and this was as it should be for the non-owning public is greater than
the other and can easily vote for overturning property rights by
taxation-redistribution, at an unjust level, as is the case today with
our vaunted sense of "entitlements". The government practices
extortion-usury with compulsory income taxation. There were no income
taxes when the nation was founded. Government had to be limited. The
fact that women did not vote is immaterial. They reared and oversaw the
home schooling of those who did
vote and much more rightly so
than the socialist-driven teachers' unions who "re-train" the kiddies
now in contempt of the parents who too often will not fight back or do
not know how to. Women vote now, but too many are as ignorant as the
men so
we just have more ignorance, and less virtue in the national
life. I am not against women voting, I am against ignorance
accompanied by the vote; woman have not given the country more virtue
as a result; thus the vote is meaningless except to those who gain by
our ignorance and thus slavery to taxation and internationalist,
sovereign-eroding ethics. The Founders may have been wrong on a
few things, one of which was women's suffrage, but that did not harm
political life, at least,
because of other realities. Today men and women all hail the ten
planks of the Communist manifesto
as the American way of life, a good thing in their view; this is what I
mean by ignorance. They are unaware that those ten planks are enshrined
in the American ethos and way of life. For worse, not for better, we
are all good
socialists now, de facto, if
not de jure. A hundred or
more years ago those ten planks, if proclaimed, would have been largely
recognized and repudiated, for all of the problems of liberalism
itself. As the
saying goes, that was then, this is
The "Rules" as They Really Are
The [liberal] Protestant spirit suffuses our national
culture, both social and political. You may object that you know of
conservative Protestants. Of course you do, because we all know some
who identify themselves as such and honestly believe themselves to be
conservative, certainly they are as far as much of traditional morality
goes, although with rare exceptions, not all. Almost every Protestant
accepts divorce and remarriage under some circumstances and is for some
form of limited contraception. So they have already compromised and
because they have, they are weakened in their resolve, even if they do
not perceive this reality. I acknowledge that they believe themselves
to be sincere and I accept this because they are probably not to blame
in many cases, having lived their entire lives within this milieu and
truly unable at the present time to grasp God's total plan for human
happiness with Him as expressed in the Commandments uncompromised.
Catholics trained in the government schools have absorbed that
mentality so much that now it takes heroic character to just lead a
good life, let alone a saintly one.
This being said, I restate, liberalism is the over-arching spirit of
country: by liberalism, I mean, absolute freedom of religion, except
for Christianity, almost
unlimited free speech, that man can perfect his lot here on earth
through political means and social engineering, not merely safeguard
his rights and duties under God. The embodiment of that spirit is
encapsulated and perfected for national exploitation in and by the
its founder, Roger Baldwin, an uncompromising socialist-communistic
atheist. Even those
who claim they reject social engineering, actually accept changes
gradually by default. If this were not true, the last fifty years
could not have brought us a revolution in mores and such widespread
traditional family life. How else do we explain mother and
fathers permitting their young daughters to dress half-nude for Sunday
Mass and their sons to sport multiple earrings and other forms of body
piercing? Where is shame? We are more concerned about being "tolerant"
than offending Almighty God. And we in turn expect Him to be tolerant
also: "I just know that God understands my situation . . . . He won't
mind one tiny mistake."
The problem of "political correctness"
so acute that we cannot even be honest anymore, at least in public, for
fear of reprisal. Only those of us who have no affinity for human
respect are free to speak or instead, belong to the cultural elite who
make the
"rules". Who decides what is "correct"? Does it really matter,
if we submit? I recognize that some aspects of the moral issues involve
economics, nor just political and social aspects, but this is not the
point, because our economic spirit is also liberal and it is liberalism
per se that is the
problem. Man first became a liberal when he sinned in
Paradise. Original Sin is the very spirit of liberalism or put another
way, liberalism is the very essence of Original Sin.
Liberalism of spirit, an inherent intolerance of any "intolerance" [a
self-contradicting position] has
left us paralyzed as a country; because of a misconceived idea about
the meaning of freedom of religion and freedom of speech, we have
become willing victims of the
tyrannical courts, to which and through
which all legislation must submit; the courts are so imbued with
liberalism that ideology rules, not reason. The abnormal now rules over
the normal, which must be sacrificed for the sake of the abnormal. If
this is not the definition of madness, I do not know what is. Judges
now brazenly use the
court's power to legislate from the bench under the guise of judicial
"interpretation". And we, weakened by our own acceptance of the
liberalist spirit, go along; perhaps reluctantly, but we give in, in
the end, feeling helpless. We elect our officials and tolerate their
treachery like we raise our families, with as little inconvenience and
fuss and muss as possible. Actually we aren't that helpless, but the
nation is no
longer politically literate, and we by and large, as individuals are
self-indulgent, intellectually lazy, to the point we lack a national
will to use the power granted to the people by our state and national
charters: the power of recall and impeachment. And the Congress has the
Constitutional power to limit the jurisdiction [and more in the case of
the lower courts] of the federal courts-----district,
circuit and Supreme-----yet does nothing, for the same
In other words, to reduce the situation to the bottom line for the sake
of brevity, Christ the King, Who must be recognized by all nations
which have an absolute duty to
recognize His Kingship, is dismissed!
The churches are filled on Sunday throughout the land according to
polls, yet we have abortion on demand!
National politics, as is most state politics, is so corrupt by huge,
economic interests that there are but few statesmen left, worthy of the
name. Now I recognize that many who enter public life regard themselves
as exempt from corruption. Intent and actuality are not equivalent. The
powers and principalities that be are so powerful that every politician-----who
plays by the current rules-----must deal with them and
compromise to some extent, more than is good
for his soul, period, whether he acknowledges this or not.
Self-deception is part and parcel of national life today. Winning,
being re-elected to office for years on end is the goal, not serving
for the sake of serving. If service as understood in the Christian
sense, was the actual aim, the political landscape in re electioneering
would be far
different with campaigns short, and not nearly so expensive, simply
because the humble and virtuous would be promoted for office, not the
men who think
they are so singular they spend years running for office in one form or
another with so much calculation and use of the media. Imagine the
arrogance and self-love of a little known neophyte senator with almost
experience who thinks he ought to be President not just Vice-President!
These politicos would
readily cede to others coming into political life in short rotations,
then go back to private life, rather than work to secure a big pension,
if they were real statesmen. They would remain only by overwhelming
demand apart from the ballot process which favors incumbents.
Both parties
pretend to be opposites or at least enough so as to present a so-called
"choice" for the American people. It is to laugh as they say, but
hardly amusing. I say this with all confidence, although with deep
both parties are internationalist in spirit, beholding to the men of
money and power, the hidden hand behind everything in the final
analysis. The men of money do not really care that much who is in power
up front, giving to both
parties by and large, because they are actually in control. Sometimes
for their own purposes one man is more suitable than an another for a
period of time, but this, too, is but a means to an end. They have
no allegiance to any country, only to the game of high finance and
their own secular anti-Christ vision. If you
do not believe this, look at the problem of "out-sourcing", just one
symptom of the national malaise. Then ask why the largest promoter of
smut and pedophilia, the biggest champion of abortion in the courts,
the ACLU, is permitted by us to effect local laws
so that symbols of Christ are always ousted but the Menorah and the
Crescent Star, and pagan goddesses are not; why school children in some
districts are forced to practice,
not just learn, about other religions, while Christian practice is
banned, even privately for the most part, such as merely quietly saying
grace in the cafeteria? It is only Christianity that "offends", don't
you know? The ACLU has no allegiance except to the lowest
common denominator at best and to the Father of Lies at worst. Yet, we
are willing to tolerate its presence within our midst and its foul
deeds because we do little to nothing to oppose it in earnest.
Tolerance has its limits and mine closes down on any protector of such
vile sins as the slaughter of the innocent, porn and sexual
The Congress has the actual power to change things under the
Constitution, but lacks the will. If you think I am exaggerating,
consider the present "same-sex" imbroglio in Washington-----we
can't even pass this proposal for an amendment because of a lack of
clarity and will.
If you counter, but they passed the partial birth abortion ban; yup,
they did all right as it was perceived more politically correct; then
they let
the courts take it away, clause by clause; I say "let" because they
refuse to
use their power to limit jurisdiction. And Congress, which has the
proper powers, not the Presidency, will not permit original intent
justice-nominees through, so the situation will grow more dire as the
years roll on. Congress is corrupted because it, too, refuses to
acknowledge the rights, the absolute
rights of Christ the King. A
majority of its members claim to be Christians, but act otherwise all
too often. The few exceptional in office are not enough. The President
is largely symbolic as far as legislation goes, because he, too,
permits the courts to overturn anything it chooses anytime. The
President, whoever he is, whatever party, has not called for Congress
to use its proper powers, does not use leadership to call for this. And
the next President won't either. Down deep I think you already know
The Nitty-Gritty
But for the sake of argument, let us pretend
that choosing Bush over Kerry is better for the above cited reasons in
all your e-mail. Is Bush better, or even as good as claimed?
- Is it possible for a Skull
and Bones member, a member of a secret, Masonically-inspired
society to really have Christ the King's interests at heart, whether he
professes a Christian belief or not? If you answer, well, maybe, it
matters not. You see both Bush and Kerry belong, and to do so were
willing to be initiated in a
ceremony that mocked the Pope, etc. If you answer yes, then, ibid. If
then you have your answer already.
- Bush sold out on stem-cell research; the fact that he
favors a partial ban on abortion, while not favoring actively the
overturn of Roe v. Wade is a
ruse, designed, at least apparently so, for no other springs to mind
logically, to keep his "base" from eroding further; or he may genuinely
be confused; if he is this confused, he is too confused to be the
President; moreover, being
astute enough to gain the Presidency with the help of the money men
behind him, he knows the partial ban would go nowhere so we are back to
square one and no harm to the powers that be who favor the culture of
death. Liberalism is nihilism by another name.
- Do you honestly think that a man so dedicated to pro-life
would be so in love and marry a pro-Roe
v. Wade woman as Laura Bush is? She would have been repulsed by
such a man or would convert him to the extent enough she could marry
him. After all, if she converted him on alcohol, why not the other? Is
drink more important than life itself? She claims to be not involved;
publicly this is the case, but come on, she is outspoken in her own
right; do you really believe Bush is as pro-life as he claims, as his
Catholic brother in Florida is?
Would Terry Schiavo still be alive in Florida if the governor was
George, not Jeb? We won't know, but that is the point. The fact that we
can't know or say that we don't know, as we must, speaks volumes,
it? With a convinced, authentic pro-lifer, one always knows, never has
to ask, by definition.
- Is George Bush better on foreign policy? Both Kerry and
Bush favor internationalism, but through slightly differentiated means,
one claiming to be less of a war hawk. There is more than one way of
waging war; power and money behind the scenes will manipulate matters
despite the rhetoric up front. Iraq or no Iraq both lack the will to do
what is right, or if that will should be present, they have not the
insight as they are blinded by their particular forms of liberalism,
period and too indebted to darker princes. One is just a little less
liberal than the other or so we are
supposed to think. Both have the manipulators behind them and the
Council on Foreign Relations-dominated media to keep the national
debate dishonest.
Let us look at Bush and his meteoric rise to
national prominence. A year before the 2000 election his name cropped
up in poll after poll as the front-runner; at the time he was the
governor of Texas and had no national face except as the son of a
former President, but no widespread cache of his own. In fact, his
brother, Jeb, was more prominent at the time. But the American
people supposedly had responded in all these polls with his name first
and foremost. How many of us knew he was even the governor of Texas
before those polls? I recall the first poll: when it was publicized I
was surprised as his name had not made the rounds before, but there it
was, he was the odds on favorite right out of the blue, literally. This
was most suspect to me as it was
not plausible, reasonably, humanly speaking. That poll and the others
that followed had to have been engineered in the corridors of high
finance and
international politics, manufactured so to speak to make us "get on
the bandwagon". And lo and behold, Bush became the front-runner and
eventual winner! My goodness! At least with Clinton you heard about him
and his dealings to steer the economics of the Democratic party more
"to the center" as it is so touted. Bush, like his father before
him, had the behind-the-scenes-backing of powerful insiders who promote
Skull and Bones key men to high places in government and finance.
It was a done deal from the git-go. Gore was just part of the strategy
for them, even if he did not know;
when Florida turned out the way it did, the powers that be could count
on the court to get involved. "The right man" would be "chosen" come
hell or high water. Here is a court who is on record as
saying that each individual has the right to decide the meaning of
reality for himself, which is the Garden of Eden redux, big time! At
least the
average Joe heard of Clinton way before he ran for President,
officially. Not that I am
comparing Bush to Clinton precisely, because we still elected a
scoundrel, we knew so, and did so despite our better
instincts. But ask yourself how a
governor with no national stature took on so much clout with one poll?
Someone was behind the
charade and it was not his personal
charm, which I do
not find to be in as much evidence as claimed and nowhere as appealing.
- But if you still think he is more pro-life than Kerry, that
is, that he means what he says, and says what he really means, let us
look at the recent primary in Pennsylvania, one of the better states
where Catholics actually try to vote their conscience in numbers: The
pro-life Republican candidate was not supported by Bush and his team
who backed the pro-abortion fella in the Republican primary, who, of
course won. What a dirty, low-down thing to do! And to think he did it
with the conniving of Catholics who sold out, to "be on the winning
team". And to think further that Bush had the temerity to pay a visit
to the Pope and ask him to be more involved! How stupid does he think
we are? This alone disqualifies
him in my book. It's not as if the pro-lifer was an unsavory character.
He enjoys an impeccable reputation and is as qualified as the other
candidate, more qualified because all other things being equal, he is
pro-life. Being for abortion rights is an automatic disqualifier with
any serious pro-lifer, do you not agree? This is part of what I mean
about corruption itself. Corruption is in the heart, not just the
wallet. Bush has no shame and fears no backlash apparently. Well, he is
not getting away with this in my book and on my ballot.
- Now let us look at foreign policy. Bush is a close friend
of Mexico's Vincente Fox, who is well named as he is a wily fox by any
measure. Mexico is no friend of the United States. It is politically
corrupt, so much so that it looks the other way-----despite
a few well planned initiatives to make us think differently-----while
it permits its people to invade our country beyond our capacity to
respond except to cave-in with amnesty programs; we are becoming a
Mexican outpost or satrapy. In one generation we will be Hispanic, New
Hispania if you will, but Hispanic in ways not envisioned today. Mexico
will have
conquered us without firing a shot, and apparently without our doing so
either. This means more liberalism as Hispanic culture today is as
night is to day from the former glory of Spain. Anyone who has had an
opportunity to survey modern Hispanic culture in the media is either
horrified or morally brain dead, period. It certainly will not
be more Catholic officially, and as for the unofficial, let us just
look at Spain or Hispanic America all the way to the far southern
hemisphere at present. We already know the answer, do we not? Bush's
plan plays into the hands of the
revolution, that is the internationalist one. We no longer are
sovereign because we no longer have the will to control our borders, a
perfectly moral goal and in fact an imperative one, otherwise
nationhood is meaningless. As for the Iraqi debacle, Bush is not in
charge of foreign policy, even if he claims he is. The war hawks, such
as Cheney and the money men who always make money on death and
destruction are the power behind the throne. They are aided an
abetted by the neo-conservative hawks who dominate the "conservative"
slots in the media. Couple this with a
degenerate CIA and covert unintelligent intelligence and we are hated
non-competents before the world stage. Then add this to the thoroughly
corrupt, anti-Christ United Nations, which is more and more being put
in control of our destiny.
- Has Bush come out against the planned for
draft of men and women up to the age of 34-----yes all
child-bearing women in their prime, the mothers of young children are
slated to be candidates for forced evacuation to same-sex quarters in
armed services and on the battlefield, to be snatched from their babes
in arm to bear arms for dubious wars backed by internationalists who
play God? No, he isn't even bringing it up. He doesn't dare, at least
not yet. Perhaps
this is why all the terrorist hype, to scare us into compliance down
the road. Well, Kerry isn't raising the issue either. Who do you want
to bet your daughters on? Neither of these guys, believe me! We are
spread so thin throughout the hot spots as defined by the elites that
have not enough manpower without a coming draft. Then, too, we ought to
consider Bush's position about the attack on Iraq. After the recent
on the mishandling of intelligence on terrorism and weapons of mass
destruction, Bush was heard to say, "If I had known I would not have
gone to war in Iraq." That was the other day. As I write this column he
has changed his tune and says he did the right thing because Saddam
"had the potential" for weapons of mass destruction. Which is it?
Sounds like no matter what, he has committed us to the invasion of a
sovereign nation without a first strike from it. Men and women are
dying and being maimed for a trumped-up war that was unjustifiable in
the first place. Who is behind this? An unjustifiable war is unjust, by
definition, no matter how it is waged. Now, since almost every nation
has at least the same potential as Saddam Hussein, does this mean we
are going to wage world war? If not, why Iraq, to whose ultimate good?
The Iraqi people who with no argument suffered under a ruthless,
murderous dictator. But what about the North Korean people, the Red
Chinese people, whose situations are more dire? If not them, why not?
Have we made the world safer? Or more dangerous? Whoever wins the
Muslim power base, politically, all we have done is made the world
safer for Islam by encouraging reprisals. It is one thing to go after
the actual planners of the September 11 attack in the interest of
self-defense, it is another to invade a sovereign country, no matter
how evil the regime, without proof that it was directly involved.
How do we know when what rules apply and when they do not? The
President won't be putting his life on the line. If we adopt the draft
proposal you can bet his twin daughters will have a safe out through
cushy public service substitute. I would also bet that the public
service alternate for conscientious objectors will not include pro-life
programs and programs without social engineering and a demand for
attitudinal change. I know what I answer to all this. What say you?
- I won't even bother to do more than mention that Bush
favors condoms for aids prevention.
- Now let us look at Cheney, Bush's Vice-Presidential running
mate. He is a bit of an enigma apart from his cold, steely reserve. He
makes tricky "Dick" look like the proverbial altar boy and that is
saying something because Nixon was thoroughly ruthless and thoroughly
corrupt where contraception was concerned, for starters. Cheney claims
he does not favor "gay-marriage" but this is for public consumption.
Both he and his wife, the not so conservative Lynn, are too proud of
their lesbian-activist daughter. I am not talking about loving her,
which they ought to, I mean she is mentioned as a lesbian as if this
gives her a certain status, at least we
see pictures of her often enough, etc. Pair this with Lynn
Cheney's erstwhile, scandalous novel written and published some years
ago. The story features lesbian love in a positive light. Because of
the election I am certain she asked the publisher to not re-issue the
book. Perhaps she is ashamed of it, now, but she ought to say so, so as
avoid confusion and scandal. She took the clever approach. Now add to
this Bush's "covert operations" with "Log-cabin" homosexual-activist
Republicans. By covert I mean low, under the major media radar screen.
If he
is serious about fighting the "gay agenda", why work to promote and
actually place in high policy positions key "gay" activists behind the
scenes and who are unelected, unaccountable? Have we lost our ability
to reason completely? Cheney is an unabashed hawk and far more capable
than Bush in manipulating events to favor war. Which is worse a
brighter VP who favors war and intervention or a brighter VP who favors
socialism writ large through the manipulation of law? Neither, period.
Both wage war but
on different fronts. Thanks to Edwards and his leftist trial lawyers
most of us are reduced to lesser health care, fewer doctors available,
etc.; of course the matter is a little more complicated and we should
avoid over-simplifying, but Edwards and his friends play a major role.
This is enough for me. And I haven't even broached Edward's
pro-abortion enthusiasm.
- If Bush-Cheney are this sneaky behind our backs when they
could be found out and ruin their chances of re-election, yet are still
bent on these covert actions, just what do you think they are capable
of once all incentive is removed, incentive, shall we say of having no
more elections to serve them? Would they not rather find a way to
really come out of the political and social closet? A plausible way
that we the duped will fall for rather than admit our desperation,
which they count on? I bet Cheney would endorse "gay unions".
Well we know Kerry and Edward would, but they are not trying to fool us
here, even though being sophisticated enough, they would like things
both ways, for
now, too.
- We have already touched on court appointees. Kerry would
favor the most liberal of all, but only the liberals will pass muster
with a liberal-Republican controlled, politically weak Senate
anyway. The court now refuses to
overturn Roe and is poised to
ban a ban on "gay marriage." Who needs another liberal more liberal? It
is unnecessary. Either way we are cooked. Either way we don't have to
have it this way but we refuse to elect Congressmen who know the
Constitution and are willing to use
it to limit court jurisdiction. Knowledge is not equal to
but one needs virtue to acquire knowledge and to have knowledge to be
able to use virtue properly. This is not their fault, it is ours,
because we do the electing and refuse to do what it takes to change the
bitter course of our country. They are just doing what all political
opportunists do. What is our excuse? We get the leaders or should I say
mealy-mouthed followers we deserve.
- But you counter, what about electing the "lesser of two
evils?" Well, what about it? I have just demonstrated, at least I
hope I have, that the "evils" are morally equivalent, or should I say
equally immoral, or equally morally repugnant. Let us examine the
making the rounds that we must vote for the lesser evil to avoid
"wasting our vote." This idea implies that unless we are on the winning
side, we have wasted our vote. Let's see if this can be upheld,
logically speaking.
1. No one can be certain of an outcome of an election until the final
tally, and sometimes not even then as it turns out, until a court
decides. Every person casts his ballot, which choice obviously, by
necessity, counteracts his neighbor's vote which went the other way. Do
we say, if we end up losing, well, I wasted my vote because it was
matched by Mr. Smith? Of course not. In fact, if you honestly
voted an informed conscience
your vote was not wasted because you maintained your integrity and your
dignity. This is a very patriotic thing, not to have been bought cheap
cheaper arguments that always play into the hands of the enemy; having
uprightness as a citizen helps one's country in the end. How can
allowing ourselves to be compromised serve us as patriots? Patriotism
is a selfless, noble undertaking, without concern for human respect.
2. The body politic and the bandwagon organizers will not be there when
Christ passes judgment on our eternal destiny at the instance of our
death. He will not ask us if we were on "the winning side", but did we
do the right thing, especially were we willing to trust Him enough to
do the right thing, if it meant standing alone as a majority of one?
Only one Apostle stood beneath the Cross with Our Lady. And only one of
the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus was on the real winning
side, but not by the standards of the populace at large.
3. But you respond, is it not better to compromise for a good reason.
Yes, it is, if the reason does not violate moral integrity. Thus I do
not always have to have my way, I can compromise on a zoning law, lets
say, or the hour for an imposed curfew due to a local crisis, and so
forth. But to choose deliberately an evil versus another evil is to
choose for evil, period. The attitude that says I can morally
compromise is the same mentality that says it is better to kill one
innocent person to save many. That is always morally outlawed. I cannot
kill one innocent person to save you or even myself. Now the innocent
person may choose to sacrifice himself, and I hope that you and would
do so likewise, but we may never select them rather than ourselves.
Some actions are so intrinsically evil that we can never favor them,
for any so-called good reason. So we are morally justified in choosing
to avoid both evils, allowing God's will to inform us of His intention.
Would you kill one of your twins to save the other? Of course not, but
many couples do this with in vitro
fertilization. They have convinced themselves they are justified, that
the goal they seek outweighs such a moral aversion. In the same way we
have allowed ourselves to be convinced that unless we vote for one of
two equally perverse positions that somehow we are not doing our duty
Catholics and citizens, that we will "ruin the election". We go to
inordinate lengths to convince others using all the guilt trip methods
that have been employed against ourselves at one time or another. We
are so good at the technique we no longer recognize its fallacies, one
of which is the "wasted vote". Because we have so convinced ourselves
that this is the right approach [and it is always temporary, even
though it has become a permanent way of life] we turn it into a
reality, a self-fulfilling proposition, when it could have been
different. We fail to have the courage of our convictions; and the
enemy knows this, counts on it, each and every time. So we always
settle for second best because that is all they will give us, because
they have no incentive otherwise.
But what if, each of us admits the truth and decides that he has had
enough of holding his nose with one hand while he lets the hand that we
feed bite our other hand. What if, each person decides on his own, I am
going to the right thing, this time, even if it means I stand alone.
And what if enough people did this? What do you think would happen? The
next time we would not be taken for granted. We would have the same
cache as all the certifiably politically correct groups have. No
playing cards wisely to get the Catholic vote while actually duping us
one step at a time. What if? Well, if you want to waste your vote, one
more time, I cannot stop you. All I know is I am not going to go along
for a few crumbs that dry up in the arid heat that always comes our
If you are not convinced by these statements, perhaps two good Catholic
men, much more eloquent than I am will wake you up. The men are the
eminent Catholics, Christopher Ferrara and Thomas Droleskey. The June
30 issue of
REMNANT has an article
by each, "The Problem with George
Bush" and "When Do We Take Our Stand." The latter article, written by
Droleskey, is not on the
election but on Tradition and patrimony. However Mr. Droleskey writes
often on the Social Reign of Jesus Christ and hosts the web site,
Every issue of The Remnant is
a must read for any earnest Catholic, but if any issue is paramount to
read right now, this issue is it.
If you are not currently a subscriber, and cannot subscribe at this
time for whatever reason, please give them a call at 1-651-462-8323 and
ask for the June 30 issue. Do your Catholic souls and minds a favor and
read very carefully Mr. Ferrara's article in re the election and Mr.
Droleskey's for the sheer Catholic joy of reading a Catholic genius who
is first a virtuous man, as is Mr. Ferrara. I am amazed that God can
not only love me, a miserable sinner enough to let me be a member of
His Mystical Body, but that He created me to live in the same country
in the same century as these two scholars and men of letters. What have
I ever done to merit such a treasure? I was content enough just to have
Joseph Sobran to read, but God was much more bountiful than I could
have asked for.
Early this year I had
intended to vote for Patrick Buchanan, but I came
to realize that he is, although a personally upright and honest man, a
solid Catholic, and very capable, too imbued with the Americanist
heresy, unbeknown to him, along with a blind spot on the premature
"death" of the cold war.
I carefully and with
great awe as before a
holy thing ponder all their writing: Mr. Droleskey has run for office
before and Mr. Ferrara braves the pagan court of Baal regularly in
defense of the innocent Catholic led to the slaughter in the culture
I announce my intention to
write in their names, Thomas A. Droleskey
for President, legal residence, Oyster Bay, New York and Christopher A.
Ferrara for Vice-President, legal residence, West Caldwell, New Jersey.
I challenge you to do the same. You see, I love my country and yours,
just too much to do anything less.
Bushwacking: Or Fooling Most of the People All of
the Time November 16, 2004
I received more negative mail on the previous column in which I stated
that I could not support Bush for President, while not supporting Kerry
either, than almost all the mail combined regarding this page. Even
after listing Bush's abominable record and the company he keeps, all
too many Catholics maintained that I was wrong and that Bush and Kerry
were worlds apart and that I ought to vote for Bush. Either they cannot
read or are willingly blind, much like those who close their eyes to
the heresy from certain prelates in the Vatican, not just some of the
bishops back home.
Listening to the current nonsensical repartee back and forth between
liberals and "conservatives" I can only say that Lincoln was wrong: you
can fool all the people all
the time, or most of them anyway. And this is without the hypocrisy:
Liberals are taunting "conservatives" [so-called moderates] for having
a litmus test on abortion where nominees for Court appointments are
concerned. Yet, one of Bush's pol-pals, Arlen Specter, up for Senate
Judiciary Committee chairmanship is on record warning his friend so
inconsiderately and ungratefully [after Bush betrayed pro-life for
assisting Specter in the close primary earlier this year] that he
better be careful who he nominates, meaning no one who does not support
abortion on demand. Now, this is what I call a rigid stance, otherwise
known as a "litmus test". No media outcry about Specter's litmus test.
Oh no, liberals-----and Specter is a liberal no matter
what he claims, by definition as understood in the Catholic sense of
the true nature and danger of liberalism-----are
permitted all the litmus tests they want without any threat from the
watchdog media, dedicated not to reporting the news, but influencing
and directing, when not outright creating it. Sheer hypocrisy and we
are supposed to pretend we do not notice that it is. How silly of us
traditionalists, thinking that all we had to do was vote for Bush and
he would award us our due in exchange for our willingness to hold our
nose while we voted. The talk is in certain circles that "he owes his
As Ann Coulter so sharply notes in her latest book, How to Talk to a
Liberal [If You
(I paraphrase so as to not violate copyright law.)
Never be kind to a liberal as they will reward you with an insult.
In other words, they are willing to take advantage of the poor
political survival instincts of Republicans in general and too many
conservatives in particular, then proceed to hang them with their own
petard, when convenient. George Bush is a liberal by the Catholic
definition: He says he is against "gay marriage" but for "civil
unions", which is just plain uncivil and illogical on its face. I do
not know why I was so surprised to see so many neo-cons attempting to
dodge this one, and so clumsily that it was painful to watch. Now that
they have made their Hobbesian bed, they can't seem to jump into it
fast enough. I wonder how peacefully they will actually sleep. Little
Red Riding Hood's grandmother had nothing on the Bushpack. Except this
is reality, not a fairy tale gone bad. "Civil unions" are prelude to
legal marriage, by definition given the trajectory of evil on the
installment plan when combined with weakened human nature. I have an
addendum to one of Coulter's principles: never trust anyone who claims
to speak for conservatives unless he has a proven track record, and
shows every sign of being in the state of grace, objectively speaking.
Anyone can claim to be one, then pretend his plans went awry because he
was lacking Congressional support, all the while courting on the QT all
the "right people" with money backing and other forms of powerful
Repeatedly I heard about Judicial appointments and how important Bush
was on this score. Right. Let's see now. All but one of the 6 liberals
on the Supreme Court was appointed by a Republican president, at least
one of those being more conservative than the present Bush. Hmmm? Even
when Republicans controlled the chairmanship of the JC they allowed
liberal nominees to sail past, and not just sail past, they used
laudatory flattery in obeisance to the prevailing Zeitgeist while
permitting them. One of the most sickening sounds I ever heard on the
floor of the Senate was the Senator from Utah, Hatch, singing the
praises of Ruth Bader Ginsburg; if he was so ignorant as to not know
better, he is too ignorant to be qualified for office, even that of
We will soon see, given the aging of the Court, just how willing Bush
is to curtail the Court's runaway activism, that is, legislating from
the bench and making mischief in general. We will soon see how serious
the Republican controlled Senate and House are. They have the
Constitutional power to limit Supreme Court jurisdiction, but thus far
have lacked the will to use it. In the uproar that followed his
brutually frank comments warning Bush, Specter arranged to get himself
booked on every news-oriented show in Cableland and on the networks to
do some serious PR work while pretending to "take back" his
off-the-cuff remarks. But did he really? Promising to "assure a swift
hearing" for nominees is hardly promising anything at all. A hearing,
swift or othewise is no guarantee. But even if it were, George Bush
wants no litmus test for his judicial appointees. Well as a voter, I
had a litmus test and am proud of it. I refused to vote for any
candidate who lacked the courage to address forthrightly and the
intelligence to recognize the shibboleth of the dread "litmus test."
Bush's nominee for Attorney General is not exactly a happy arbiter of
things to come.
The Death of Reason November 23, 2004
Taking in the news yesterday consisted mostly in watching segments
covering the
Scott Peterson case in California or a sports brawl involving several
basketball players. The purpose of this column is to examine the first
story. The inanity and brutality of the second is almost
"understandable" given the comments by legal beagles hosting various
court shows, especially a segment on Court TV hosted by Lisa Bloom and
James Curtis, both of whom identify themselves as "pro-choice". I
wonder if they had been pro-life could they have even been chosen as
host-commentators? As an
exercise in intellectual dishonesty this segment was a real beaut. Mrs.
Bloom admitted that pro-lifers were being more consistent than she was
as an advocate of abortion rights. Mr. Curtis said he had less of a
problem, although after his explanation for the double standard he held
baby human beings, he was only flattering himself. A guest commentator,
a prosecutor, I believe, also muddied the waters with her idea of
nuance. This is
how it went:
The background, for those who have no television and thus have not seen
this news story is briefly:
Scott Peterson, was found guilty of double homicide in a California
Court earlier this month, the penalty for which under California law
can be death by lethal injection. The jury that convicted him will
decide his sentence in early December. He killed his wife who was eight
months with child, it is thought, because he did not want the
responsibility of a child and a stay-at-home wife, to boot. California
law recognizes the killing of a preborn child in the womb as murder,
but only if it is anyone but the mother who does the killing. Imagine!
The Laci and Connor law, passed by Congress and signed by President
Bush was the topic that precipitated the three way exchange, opened by
Lisa Bloom. She referred to the problem of inconsistency in her
position in being for the law while advocating abortion rights. That
was the only honest statement she made. She failed to recognize or
admit that if a mother can kill her preborn child, that it is unfair,
logically speaking, to deny the same to the father. Scott Peterson was
merely exercising his "procreative rights" while snuffing out the only
witness against him, his wife, Laci, using the rationale that
naturally follows the abortion trajectory. If the baby in the womb is a
human being or child and he has to be if he was murdered under
California law, since we do not murder animals and plants, then it is
always a human being once conceived. The baby in the womb does not
cease being who and
what he is merely because some women do not want to carry the baby to
term. This is basic reason and medical fact. Only by a twisted logic
and a deliberate denial of human reason can we permit the killing with
impunity of some infants in utero
and not others.
James Curtis was even
more absurd. He said that when he was practicing as a prosecutor he
dealt with the situation by assigning a wanted baby human status and
protection of the law but not so if the mother did not want the baby,
actually the same position as Lisa Bloom's but he claimed he was less
inconsistent, with no evidence ever provided. He said that a baby in
the womb could be killed under law and he saw nothing wrong with it,
and that he had no problem being "pro-choice" taking umbrage that
people suggest that to be "pro-choice" is to be pro-abortion. Well, Mr.
Curtis, if killing the baby by abortion is so okay, why are you ashamed
of the association? Why do you need to hide behind the euphemism of
"choice"? You betray the illogic of your position and the discomfort
that it brings by so insisting on hiding behind the euphemism.
woman prosecutor who weighed in with her position was even more
irrational. She was very adamant about the horrible crime committed by
Scott Peterson, as she ought to be, since his crime was so savage. But
then she told the audience that fathers cannot kill their unborn
children, she called the child a child or baby, without explaining why
it was okay if mothers so killed their babies. In fact she went so far
as to describe how baby Connor struggled within his little sphere,
fighting for his life, so accurately she provided us with a verbal
replay of the abortion video, the Silent Scream. Does she not know that
if Laci had decided to kill her baby [she would have no need to kill
any witness] by strangulation that he would have to have struggled in
the same way? Would he have been any less a human being, just because
his mother killed him rather than his father? I thought the prerogative
deciding who is human was God's and God's alone? It is, no matter how
many law degrees commentators in the media possess. No one has any
ability to abrogate the natural law, nor any right to derogate from it.
Not only are their claims spurious, and even more savage than the
crimes committed by Peterson, but they signal the death of reason, to
any reasonable person, who can still think clearly.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, for surely we know not what it is that we do
. . . or perhaps we do . . . innocent people who are seriously mistaken
have no need to employ euphemisms and do not do so, at least never in
my experience of some 62 years. And to think these people made comment
after comment on the lies told by Peterson, lies that disgusted them.
Compared to theirs, his pale in comparison, which is not to justify his
evil deeds, but to note the height of hypocrisy masquerading as social
The Matter of Dogma: It Matters A
December 8, 2004
The December 7th broadcast of MSNBC's "Hardball", hosted by the
Catholic Chris Matthews should have been retitled "Softball" or even
"Woofle Ball" because the only entity that Matthews came down on was
religion, including Catholicism. The topic was Christmas and the media,
which is not our concern here. What matters to us is that the
self-proclaimed Catholic Matthews expressed his frustration with
religious differences among Christians over doctrine, asking why we had
to have these conflicts and since we all believe in Jesus Christ, the
Savior, that this should be sufficient.
After that startling comment on his commitment to the articles of our
Divine Faith, the Holy Apostolic and Catholic Church, everything else
that was said was lost on me.
Mr. Matthews, for starters, Jesus Christ certainly did not have this
attitude. If He had He probably would have escaped the Cross and you
and I would more than likely be certain of Hell for all eternity. So
important was dogma and the articles of the Faith, including how we are
to pray, that Christ wasted no time in instructing His Apostles, the
first Bishops, on the matter. The Apostles' Creed is a good beginning.
Every article is precise and irreplaceable for the knowledge to attain
salvation. He founded a specific Church over which He promised the
protection of the Holy Ghost in its instruction. He did not say "If you
love Me, merely believe." He said, "If you love Me, keep My Word, or
the Commandments and the Divine Law. Commandments are specific and how
we keep them or even if we do keep them, is another consequence [and
why there are differences, because man wants his sin and salvation,
too] of His charge to the Apostles and to us through them. In fact He
told them that He came not to do away with the Commandments, but to
fulfill or strengthen them: that where He once tolerated divorce for a
stiff-necked people, there was to be no more divorce as before; where
an eye for an eye was permitted, He told them that if they so much as "grew
angry with a brother" that they were guilty of sin compared to murder.
The "GROW" aspect meaning, dwelt on it, nursed it, caused it to
increase, not merely the momentary flare of righteous anger that dies
properly in the forgiving heart.
He told Saint Peter that he was like Satan when he suggested an idea
that was not as Catholic as it ought to be: "Get behind Me, Satan."
Now, if the mere questioning doubt on orthodoxy or right belief could
evoke this response from God, what must He be thinking about now as He
hears this from you? He also told Peter that "I have prayed for you
that your faith might be strengthened . . ." Peter was in turn to
strengthen the faith of the others. Now if only belief in Him was
sufficient, since they all knew Him, the body of doctrine preached by
the Apostles would be unnecessary. He asked St. Peter, three times, for
emphasis in the tradition of His people, "Do you love Me?" Each time
the first Pope answered, "Yes" or "You know that I do." And Jesus in
turn responded, "Feed My sheep." Feed My sheep, means instruction in
the true Faith and governance of the Church and sanctification through
grace. That is, the articles of the Faith and all that flows from them
matter. Not only do they matter, and matter to Him, most of all, that
Jesus Christ most emphatically stressed that He came not to bring peace
as the world knows, but to divide, brother against brother, father
against son . . . Now if we all believe in Jesus Christ and that is all
that matters, how could Jesus be calling for division? He could because
dogma matters, whether theological or moral: That to love Him and serve
Him we must be prepared to abandon everything that pulls us away from
Him, including human respect and familial ties if necessary. This means
that families would be divided on beliefs, but there was only one way
to serve and follow Him, through the practice of our Holy Catholic,
precious, Catholic Faith.
Jesus experienced division within His Own ranks and among His
followers. Recall that when some of the disciples found His teaching on
the Eucharist too "harsh a saying", they left. He did not call out to
them, "Wait, fellas, you misunderstand, you react too quickly, let us
dialogue, why quibble over these matters, as long as you believe in Me,
that's all that matters." Oh, no, not at all, just the opposite. At one
point He asked those who stayed, "Will you abandon Me, also?" Another
vital aspect of Jesus' teaching was on the Sacraments, a matter of
great controversy, but vital all the same, as we just looked at in the
above example. Our Lord gave us exactly seven Sacraments or signs
instituted to give grace. One of those was Baptism. He said, "Those who
believe and are baptized will be saved." So we have to do more than
believe, we have to do certain things to obtain salvation. And if one
of the seven is necessary, what about the other six? Do you honestly
believe that Christ wasted His time on non-essentials? Much of the
division among those professing to be Christians is over the
Sacraments, how many, how necessary and so forth. And they must matter
because Christ instituted them.
Whenever a Catholic throws up his hand in mock scandal over the
divisions of dogma, I know that his arguments are not with the human
actions of weak, fallible, sinful men, but with Jesus Christ Himself,
because the objector really down deep prefers to form God in his own
image rather than obey, adore, serve, and preach a God Who formed man
in His own image, that constituted to a specific nature, for a specific
purpose and to that end, one set of rules, without which human nature
becomes degraded even more than it was after Original Sin. And this
brings us to the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Among dogmas, this
one most divides Christians, even many Catholics, unfortunately. Our
Lady's creation without this stain of the human race, her perpetual
virginity and sublime purity, her nobility and Her Queenship, over
earth and Heaven as
the Mother of God, a consequence of her creation, is under heavy attack
through the desecration of Her images, and insults to her virtue. I
suppose you wonder why the Immaculate Conception should matter so much
also? After all we can't even prove it in the world's terms. If
you reply that it matters, why, since it divides? If not, then you have
the Mother of God and thus insulted Her son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and
the whole of Heaven. It sure matters to God Who created Her as She is,
above all the Angels and Saints, below only the Blessed Trinity in the
order of perfection and in the Divine economy.
Saying we all believe in Jesus Christ, the Lord and that this is what
matters, is like saying "Lord, Lord," but not meaning it sufficiently.
Jesus told us that "Not every man who says Lord, Lord, enters the
This matter of Dogma: It matters!
Modernity and The Will
of God January
9, 2005
He said, speaking of the tsunami devastation in Indonesia,
"It can't be the will of God because that would make God a monster!"
often do we hear words to this effect, and from Catholics, too, as the
man above is. People who say things like this just have not thought the
idea through to its logical outcome, provided their position could
possibly be true. Of course they are wrong, but they do not
agree, so, for the sake of argument, let us adopt their position in
theory, so as to not blaspheme God:
If God would never will this kind of destructive storm that kills
150,000, at least a third of whom were children, then He surely would
be the "monster" described by the gentleman. Why? Because God is
all-powerful and can do all things. If He positively does not will
storms and the toil left in their wake, then He would surely stop them,
if they were only part of nature. Not to do so, as is the case in
Indonesia, is to sit by and do nothing within His power, even though He
could not, would not, cannot will the storm. If you and I, who have the
power to snatch a child from danger who is about to run into the
street, but chose to do nothing, would not we be considered horrible?
Well, what would this make God? Since God is the One Who possesses the
prerogative of who dies, when and how, this power of His will cannot be
anything but perfect, in that He wills it because He chooses to do. If
modern man finds this cruel or unfeeling, then it is man who is judging
God by his own disorientation through sin; but another prerogative of
God is to judge man by His standards, not ours. It is up to us to
accept His will in all things, positively.
The same man acknowledges that God is the author of life and death, not
man. This is His prerogative as our Creator. On any given day around
the world, more than 150,000 persons die, most from "natural causes".
Does not God will their deaths? Of course, because man merits death
because of Original Sin, in partial punishment for violating the Divine
order over nature established at Creation. Storms, volcanos,
earthquakes, all kinds of atmospheric eruptions are included in man's
punishment for that first sin. Until the fall in Paradise, the natural
environment was perfect as it was meant to help man and glorify God;
but it was man who caused the disequilibrium in the natural order and
brought chaos into his habitat. After this God promised a Redeemer, but
man would have to begin to subdue the earth by the sweat of his brow
and his wife, bear her children in pain, where before that was perfect,
natural happiness, without pain or fear or death as we know it.
I would have wished for the opportunity, the right place and time, to
ask this man about the Flood, the building of Noah's ark, the few who
were saved; the total destruction of the abomination of lustful
degradation of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, including God sending
His Angels in advance on behalf of the few who were in His grace, and
on and on. This man acknowledges that God answers prayers and sometimes
heals the sick, even of "incurable" cancer. If God can heal, by
definition He wills to, positively wills it, either directly or through
a human agent. If He does not do so, does this mean He is powerless to
do so? Again, by definition, He must will not to do so.
One of the great all-time Catholic classics is
by Fr. Drexelius, S.J. Fr. Drexelius' work on our behalf at the hands
of God leaves no doubt as to the only, the right, perspective about the
will of God, positive, and
positively, no pun intended. No Catholic who is serious about being one
ought to pass up this rare gem of a spiritual work. Once you have read
it, if you once uttered such nonsense as above, you won't be able to
anymore. Every earnest Catholic should make it one of his "cardinal"
rules of spiritual warfare.
Blessed Be the Will of God
May the most just, the most high, the most lovable will of God
be in all things done, praised and magnified forever! Amen.
v Wade, A Generation Later January
24, 2005
Gilbert Combe, for a time spiritual director of Melanie Calvat of La
Salette, testified that she was granted a vision of Leo XIII on his
deathbed. She beheld him horribly contorted in what appeared to be a
moral struggle, his eyes rolling left and right so that only the whites
were visible. Terrified and begging to be spared the sight, she heard
our Lord say, "I am about to call my Vicar to Myself!" The press
release from Rome indicated later that before breathing his last the
92-year-old Pontiff had twice sat bolt upright in bed. No one knows
what he saw, but he was heard to repeat humbly, "My intentions were
Now, if the press report is accurate,
even with good intentions, the Roman Pontiff, known to be a personally
pious man, can seem to be responding to a rebuke from God, what must be
the situation of those who sit on the pro-abortion side of the US
Supreme Court, were they to come face to face with their eternal Judge?
It is well known by now that the majority which decided in favor of Roe,
did so on a strictly utilitarian basis. Now, the utilitarian can never
be a rationale for abrogating the natural law by fiat. But, strictly
for the sake of argument, let us give them that and see if they even
uphold their own "principle": Medical knowledge has advanced
geometrically in the past 32 years [since that infamous year] and there
is scientific certitude regarding the child in the womb possessing all
the attributes of a human person, and there is the knowledge that
"viability" [another hideous utilitarian term] is now recorded at
earlier and earlier months, than the previously 6-7 months at the time
of Roe. So, since the
majority of the Court claimed a utilitarian basis for their decision,
would not irrefutable evidence of the same be cogent and imperative for
it to look at? If the Court were following its own "logic", yes. But
the Court is not about logic, consistency as to precedent, because it
refuses with full knowledge to not follow their own precedent
here. The US Supreme Court is refusing, as of this date, to re-consider
the case based on new evidence that the original findings were based on
improper knowledge. The justices have been advised that such is the
case, and in such way that it is known to be more then mere
speculation, but fact, scientific, medical fact.
Pope Leo, for all his mistakes concerning the "goodness" or blessings
of democracy, can at least be excused for basing his conclusion on
faulty reportage from those with an agenda, unbeknown to him. And with
this he is held responsible, at least according to his reaction before
his death, most likely caused by his conscience that haunts us all at
such moments just before entering eternity and the last four things.
But the Court has not even this excuse, for it has been given a great
grace by God, a second chance, a reprieve from eternal death because
medical science has made such advances in fetology. The Pope was known
to have said he would have acted otherwise in certain matters had his
information been different. Yet, accused he stood, at least in his own
conscience. The Court willfully refuses to take advantage of this
reprieve. The pro-life army has no other recourse but open protest on
the mall in Washington, in frigid cold, to address the frozen hearts
and dead souls of the majority justices. And what excuse can this Court
claim? Will each justice as he faces his own mortality, sit up like a
thunderbolt in bed and dare to make the brazen claim, "I had good
Scripture teaches us that God warns us at our own peril if we disregard
His authority and His truth: "Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I
will reject thee . . ." [Osee 4:6]
By rejecting the knowledge at hand, the Court rejects God, the giver of
all knowledge that is good and salutary for His people. The land is not
just cold and fraught with unstable weather climatic patterns, it is
barren [literally] and willfully, spiritually dead, more frozen than
any tundra . . . nature, repulsed by our perfidy, rebels to show its
utter disgust . . .
Who Ambushed Whom?: GEORGE BUSH AND MORALITY January
24, 2005
The American
President, while still the
Texan Governor was secretly taped by a so-called friend during an
off-the-record discussion of social issues; said friend is now
exploiting these tape-recorded admissions from Bush to sell a book
about, what else, the raising of former Presidents, while railing the
current President. In politics and journalism, and now history,
apparently all is fair or at
least there is no longer any such thing as the gentlemen's agreement of
"off-the-record". To say that this tactic is sleazy would be an
understatement. This is by way of stating the obvious and getting it
out of the way.
The purpose of this column is not to defend Bush in the matter nor to
analyze the "friend", for our charlatan, folksy President is finally
exposed for the hypocrite he really is and whom I always knew he was,
but could not understand how fellow Catholics did not hear the spin in
the speech. I even wrote a couple of columns about his true "values",
including those on homosexuality, that belie his carefully crafted
public statements. I knew I knew, not so much by what he said,
but mostly by what he did not say. The details are in the dodge.
My use of the term "values", is deliberate because it has become a
substitute for what was once traditional morality and virtue, now
upheld by a minority of Americans who are increasingly viewed as
curiosities-----and barely tolerable at that.
Sooner than we realize now, we will no longer be thought of as quaint,
but as enemies of the state and criminals. "Values" is one of those
amorphous words, much like "rights" that are found dispersed in modern
media "bites" and speeches that sound good, but everybody has a
different meaning for it, yet we are supposed to pretend we all mean
the same thing. Only the insiders know the score. Whenever I hear
someone, who ought to know better employ the term, "values", I know
that he has sold out or never believed in and tried to his best to
practice the traditional virtues in the first place, but he wants you
to think so and maybe he wants to convince himself also. But I digress,
although not by much. Even the most debased and depraved person
"values" some things.
A part of the "secret" conversation, indeed, included "gay rights".
Governor Bush, clearly hoping to be the American President, told his
"family friend" that "he was a sinner" and thus, he was not about to do
anything about "gay rights". Right.
Let us examine this sophistry, however well intended he may have been,
or thought he was being.
We are definitely all sinners as the Word of God tells us that even
"the just man falls seven times a day." And as such we certainly cannot
point fingers at any individual sinner in that we judge his position
before God or presume we are better than he is. For certain we would be
sinning by doing so. Now, having said this, does this dictum from God
also mean that we are to remain helpless while sin is legislated from
the bench or other once-hallowed halls and or otherwise supported? Of
course not! Someone needs to write a book called "Basic Morality for
Political Dummies",
If we followed the false creed of George Bush, we could have no laws at
all dealing with morality, we could not even say thief to a thief or
rape to a rapist, claiming "rights". You and I are not permitted by
God, under penalty of suffering the same judgment, of deciding the
particular judgment by God of any individual sinner, but He also
instructs in Scripture to not "throw our pearls before swine" and so
forth. This means we must judge to avoid moral ruin. And those in
position of guiding society have a greater burden and responsibility to
judge rightly, prudently and justly, to prevent society from ruin and
moral chaos. Immorality is immorality and we have to address it by way
of social policy. To pass a law that says certain lustful acts are
degrading and cannot, must not be tolerated, is not to judge an
individual's fate at the particular judgment, but merely to uphold the
natural, moral law. George Bush is confused at the very least, but I
think that this was his way of copping out without appearing to be a
coward. After all, if he followed his own creed he would not have said
that terrorism was wrong, because acts of terror, while sinful are
well, just another sin before sinners, right?
Wrong, according to him. In other words, he gets to decide when sin
matters but you and I are self-righteous if we do so and have no claim
on our leaders to uphold the natural law. So I guess abortion can't be
addressed either except in the most vague manner, talking but no
long-distance walking. Are not we all sinners? And he has nothing to
fear but fear itself as he cannot run a third time, but can retire on
his ranch with a hefty pension and all the limelight he cares to court.
Meanwhile he is refusing to control our open borders, thereby sealing
our eventual fate as the new country, third-world Meximerica, or worse.
George Bush? He is God's way of chastising us for our own perfidy to
His saving truth and His saving commandments.
Why There Is No
Hypocrisy, Period CONGRESS AND TERRI SCHIAVO March 19, 2005
Schiavo's feeding tube has been removed despite the last-minute effort
of the US House of Representatives to block her scheduled execution as
a non-indicted, non-co-conspirator, non-criminal, severely disabled
Interestingly, a priest had been forbidden to bring her Holy
Communion before now as she supposedly would not be able to swallow the
Host, but before they began the killing process, "they" did allow her
to receive the Last Rites and Holy Viaticum. Suddenly she can swallow
on her own? Or did they recognize that the Host need never be
swallowed; in fact, It ought to be dissolved slowly, naturally as It
will? And if so, why not before?
The media, including much of the so-called "conservative" commentators,
was all abuzz about the interference with states' rights-----the
liberals suggesting that the "conservative" Congress was violating its
own principle of favoring states' rights, calling the House action
hypocritical. Just like liberals, the penultimate of hypocrites. Let
us take a brief tour down memory lane, or should I say amnesialand:
Who can forget Little Rock of more than a generation ago: The Federal
government interfering with a states' rights issue, segregation in the
government schools; indeed there was the cry of foul play, especially
when forced busing was ordered. No complaints by liberals then, some
from certain conservatives. So now liberals want to equate this kind of
with the House action of March 18, morally, legally, politically, going
so far to say that the House "was playing politics" because a "few
right-to-lifers" had called their Congressmen.
Even "conservative media" were saying, yuh, hey that's right, we are
"uncomfortable" with this, as if to say the liberals' analogy was
valid. Wrong, folks, dead wrong, unfortunately for Terri Schiavo.
The first obligation of the state is to protect innocent human life
from the threat of death or grave bodily injury; it is also the first
obligation of the nation as it is of any government with an army and or
police power. Period.
Normally the states are permitted their own laws
in regard to this. However, when a particular state is derelict in its
duty to protect innocent human life and persists in it, it can be said
to be in violation of the natural law; thus a higher government must
step in to supply for the good that is lacking. Not only is this not a
violation of states' rights-----because
the state has no right to kill
innocent persons by withdrawing food and water-----but
it is the very vindication of human
rights, and the natural law, which
supersedes any state law to the contrary. Racism and forced
of little school children was also a violation of the natural law;
forced busing was the wrong solution to the right problem as we now
know and as some of us knew back then. But stopping the killing is
always the right solution to the problem of forced starvation because
there is no other way to prevent state-ordered murder other than to
prevent it. There is no way to find another solution, as in forced
busing, simply because there is only life and death. So the liberals,
per usual, have it all wrong, too quick to play the "gotcha card"
of hypocrisy. One commentator went so far as to correct former
Congressman Bob Dornan for mispronouncing Terri's last name; he was
indignant in his tone when he pointed the mistake out, while some of
his colleagues elsewhere were also mispronouncing the name. Of course
this was
his only recourse as he had no sound arguments for Dornan's stance in
support of Terri's right. When arguments fail, attack the person making
the unassailable argument. In
this case the correction, because of its tone, showed what a truly
mind there was behind the correction. Usually a person's name is very
important and we all ought to pronounce names correctly when possible
as a mark of respect. However this pro-death media elite-type had no
grounds for indignation as he certainly cannot be said to respect Terri
Schiavo, can he?
There are those who would say that the pro-death by starvation [they
claim they are also "uncomfortable" with the method] do respect Terri
and want to honor her wishes. But no one has the right to remove a
feeding tube from a non-cancer [as in advanced cancer] patient as
this is basic treatment and not "extraordinary care". You know it is
very suspicious to me because when Michael Schiavo got the settlement
he said that he would "take care of Terri for the rest of her life"
with the money. No mention of her claim of the right to die, nothing.
It was not until much, much
later that suddenly this claim was being
asserted on her behalf. She was supposed to have said that she did not
want to be tied to tubes and machines, in reference to some TV program
they were watching. Like most people she probably meant a ventilator, a
kidney machine, and lots of other similar devices all at the same time.
That is, if she actually said this. She may have, most of us have said
this at one time or another, and rightly so as we are not morally
obligated to have extraordinary care where there is no reasonable hope
of recovery, using up resources that could better be used for others
who can recover. But I am willing to bet that she never turned to
Michael Schiavo and said, "Gee, honey, if I only have to have a feeding
tube, I want that removed anyway, because I want to die by starvation
even if I do not have advanced cancer." Would you say that, would any
rational person? If she was irrational then she could not be held to
the statement. Regardless, no one has the right to refuse ordinary care
where it can maintain life that is not in a terminal state. Period.
At any rate a good friend of
hers went with Terri to visit a grandmother in a nursing home or
hospital and as Terri passed patients with tubes she said, "Where
there's life, there's hope."
Two of the most frightening aspects of this case are "the cognitive
state" as a rationale for the right to life and the future of Alzheimer
patients. Repeatedly the media were heard to refer to her lack of a
cognitive state, as if to say that this confers non-personhood on her.
But if she really wanted to die, her cognitive state would only be an
issue at the time of the supposed claim, not now. And if she did not,
the cognitive state is not germane. It is never germane to personhood.
Even a dead person is still considered a person and is accorded
dignity. Young babies cannot "communicate"
other than by grimace or smiles or blinks or other sounds, such as
crying. Terri has shed tears and makes sounds and smiles, etc. She is
fed by a tube like a baby is fed by bottle and special formula if he
has an allergy; he gets his diapers changed and is played with and
loved. So does Terri. It is truly monstrous to use the "cognitive
state" to define boundaries for the right to life. I know of
several profoundly retarded children who must be cared for like babies
for the rest of their lives.
The death-squad, while taking jabs at the "God-squad" as some refer to
them also claim that this is a special case and that it will not be
used to kill Alzheimer patients. Right. Remember back when the Social
Security number was introduced, we were told "it will never be used as
a national ID." Yet it is used most often as a national ID. Heck, you
cannot even open a bank account without producing it. In other words
you cannot buy or sell or eat without it in the end. Then there was
"affirmative action" otherwise known as racism for pay back. Remember
when Senator Humphrey on the floor of the Senate said "it will never be
used for quotas"? Then of course, it was and is, still. And my all-time
favorite lie: "We do not want the right to marry, we only want the
right to a job and an apartment ..." This was the mantra over and
over. Five years later this is just the beginning of what the sodomites
want. How much do you want to bet that the severely disabled with low
cognitive states are next? Never trust the promise of any liberal. But
even if Alzheimer
patients are not next, this is not
material. What matters is that an innocent woman is slated for
execution by starvation and dehydration, that after 12 years her
appeals ought to cease according to the ruling elite; yet the proven
guilty murderers on death row have at least 20 years and usually more
of appeal after appeal. Something is rotten, so rotten it stinks to
Hell and back [backwards]. Where are these liberals when you really
need them?