The Little Book of Mary, Page 18


A List of the Feasts of Our Lady

Note: Only Universal Feasts have the Month cited with each Feast;
Local Feasts, etc., are cited by date within each month, 
unless the particular Local Feast begins a month.


The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God-----1
Foundation of the Abbey of Dunes, Flander, 
in Honor of the Blessed Virgin-----2
Our Lady of Sichem, Belgium-----3
Our Lady of Treves, Italy-----4
Our Lady of Abundance or Prosperity, Italy-----5
Our Lady of Cana-----6
Our Lady of Egypt-----7
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, New Orleans, Louisiana-----8
Our Lady Beyond the Tiber, Rome and
Our Lady of Mercy of Absam, Austria-----9
Our Lady of the Guides, Turkey-----10
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, January-----15
Our Lady of Montserrat and Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners-----16
Our Lady of Peace, Rome amd Our Lady of Pontmain, France-----17
Our Lady of Dijon, France-----18
Our Lady of Gimout, France-----19
Our Lady of Tables, France-----20
Our Lady of Consolation, Rome-----21
Eve of the Espousals of Our Lady and St. Joseph-----22
Espousals of Our Lady and St. Joseph-----January 23
Our Lady of Damascus-----24
Translation of the Winding Sheet and Tomb of Our Lady-----25
Our Lady of Long Fields, Spain-----26
Our Lady of Life-----27
Our Lady of Good Succor, France-----28
Our Lady of Châtillon sur Seine, France-----29
Our Lady of the Rose, Italy-----30
Apparition of Our Lady to Bl. Angela de Foligno-----31

Eve of the Purification-----February 1
The Purification-----February 2
Our Lady of Saideneida, Damascus-----3
Our Lady of Fire, Forli, Italy-----4
Dedication of the First Church of Our Lady by St. Peter, Tortosa, Italy-----5
Our Lady of Louvain, Belgium-----6
Our Lady of the Bowed Head or Our Lady of Grace, Rome-----7
Abbey of Our Lady of the Lily, France-----8
Our Lady of the Bells, Cathedral of Saintes, France-----9
Our Lady of the Dove, Bologna, Italy-----10
Our Lady of Lourdes-----February 11
Our Lady of Argenteuil, Paris-----12
Our Lady of Pellevoisin, France-----13
Our Lady of Bournourg, Flanders-----14
Our Lady of Paris, France-----15
Our Lady of the Thorn, Chalons-sur-Marne, France-----16
Our Lady of Constantinople, Turkey-----17
Our Lady of Laon, Rheims, France-----18
Our Lady of Good Tidings, Lempdes, France-----19
Our Lady of Bolougne sur Mer, France-----20
Our Lady of Bon Port, France-----21
Our Lady of Succor, Rennes, France-----22
Our Lady of the Rocks, Salamanca, Spain-----23
Feast of the The Procession of Pope St. Gregory 
with Painting of Our Lady by St. Luke, Rome-----24
Our Lady of Victory, Turkey 
and Our Lady of Great Power, Quebec, Canada-----25
Our Lady of the Fields, Paris-----26
Our Lady of Light, Lisbon, Portugal and Palermo, Italy-----27
Institution of the Monastery of the Annunciation, France-----28

Our Lady Della Croce, Crema, Italy-----March 1
Our Lady of Apparitions, Madrid, Spain ----- 2
Our Lady of Angels, Toulouse, France and 
Our Lady of Longport, Valois, France ----- 3
Our Lady of de la Guard, Marseille, France----- 4
Our Lady of Good Help, Montreal, Canada ----- 5
Our Lady of Nazareth, Portugal ----- 6
Our Lady of the Star, Portugal ----- 7
Our Lady of Virtues, Lisbon, Portugal ----- 8
Our Lady of Savigny, France ----- 9
Our Lady of the Vine, Tuscany, Italy ----- 10
Our Lady of the Forests----- 11[Portugal and Britain]
Our Lady of Miracles, St. Maur des Fosses, France ----- 12
Our Lady of the Empress, Rome, Italy ----- 13
Our Lady de la Breche ----- 14 [Chartres, France]
Our Lady of Underground ----- 15 [Chartres, France]
Our Lady of the Fountain ----- 16 [Turkey]
Our Lady of Ireland ----- 17
Our Lady of Mercy of Savona ----- 18
Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary -----19
and The Beautiful Lady ----- 19 [France]
Our Lady of Calevourt ----- 20 [Brussels, Belgium]
Our Lady of Bruges ----- 21 [Flanders, where a lock of Our Lady's hair is preserved.]
Feast of the Seven Sorrows and Our Lady of Citeaux, France ----- 22

The Seven Dolors of Our Lady-----Friday of Passion Week
The Compassion of Our Lady Friday-----After Passion Sunday

Our Lady of Victories-----March 23
Annunciation-----March 25 
[Sometimes transferred to April depending on Lent.]
Our Lady of Soissons ----- 26 [In the Frech Abbey, one of the shoes of Our Lady is kept.]
Apparition of Our Lord to Our Lady as He Was Risen ----- 27 
[In accord with the original date of Easter]
Our Lady of Castelbruedo ----- 28 [Catalonia, Spain]
Apparition of Our Lady to St. Bonet ----- 29
Re-establishment of the Chapel of Our Lady of Boulogne-sur-mer ----- 30
Our Lady of the Holy Cross of Jersualem-----March 31

Our Lady of Tears -----  April 1 [Sicily]
Our Lady of the Highest Grace, Dominican Republic 
and Our Lady the Great, Poitiers, France ----- 2
Apparition of Our Lord to Our Lady and the Apostles In the Upper Room ----- 3
Our Lady of Grace ----- 4 [Normandy, France]
Our Lady of Divine Providence ----- 5 [Cussanio, Italy]
Our Lady of the Conception ----- 6 [Flanders]
Our Lady of Puig ----- 7 [Valencia, Spain]
Our Lady of the Valley ----- 8 [Sicily]
Our Lady of Myans ----- 9 [Savoy, France]
Our Lady of Laval ----- 10
Our Lady of Fourviere  ----- 11 [France]
Our Lady of Charity ----- 12 [Cuba]
Our Lady of Mantua ----- 13
Our Lady of Guam ----- 14
Our Lady of Keiff -----  15 [Russia]
Our Lady of Victories -----16 [In the Church of St. Mark, Venice, Italy]
Our Lady of Arabida ----- 17 [Portugal]
Our Lady of Lyons ----- 19 [France]
Our Lady of Schier ----- 20 [Bavaria]
Institution of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception ----- 21 [Toledo, Spain]
Our Lady of Betharam ----- 22 [France]
Our Lady of Mende ----- 23 [Africa]
Our Lady of Bonaria, Patron of Sardinia ----- 24 
Dedication of the Lower Holy Chapel in Honor of Our Lady ----- 25 [Paris, France]
Our Lady of Good Counsel-----April 26
Our Lady la Moreneta ----- 27 [Spain]
Our Lady of the Oak, Anjou, France and Our Lady of Quito, Eucador ----- 28 
Our Lady of Faith ----- 29 [Amiens, France]
Our Lady of Africa ----- 30 [Algiers]

Our Lady, Queen of the May-----May 1
Our Lady of Oviedo ----- 2 [Spain]
Our Lady of Jasna Gora ----- 3 [Poland]
Our Lady of the Helper ----- 4 [Normandy, France]
Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles ----- 5 
Our Lady of Miracles in the Church of Our Lady of Peace ----- 6 [Rome]
Our Lady of Haut  The Seven Joys of Our Lady ----- 7
Our Lady of Pompeii ----- 8
Our Lady of Loreto ----- 9 [Ancona, Italy]
Dedication of Constantinople to Our Lady 
and Our Lady of Saussaie ----- 10 [Paris, France]
Our Lady of Aparecida, Patroness of Brazil 
and Apparition of Our Lady to St. Philip Neri ----- 11
Our Lady of Power ----- 12 [Aubervillers, France]
Our Lady of Fatima-----May 13
and Dedication Our Lady of Martyrs, Rome
Our Lady of Bavaria ----- 14
Our Lady of France -----  15
Apparition of Our Lady to St. Catherine of Alexandria -----16
Our Lady of Tears ----- 17 [Spoleto, Italy]
Dedication of Our Lady of Bonport Abbey ----- 18 [Diocese of Evreux]
Our Lady of Flines ----- 19 [Douay]
Dedication of the Church of La Ferte in Honor of Our Lady ----- 20 [Burgandy, France]
Our Lady of Vladimir, Russia and Our Lady of Sweat, Salerno, Italy ----- 21
Our Lady of Monte Vergine ----- 22 [Naples, Italy]
Our Lady of Miracles of Brescia ----- 23 [Italy]
Our Lady Help of Christians-----May 24
Our Lady of the Way-----May 24
Our Lady the New ----- 25 [Jerusalem]
Our Lady Queen of Caravaggio -----May 26
Our Lady of Naples ----- 27 [Italy]
Feast of the Relics of Our Lady ----- 28 [Venice, Italy: Portions of her veil, etc.]
Our Lady of Ardents ----- 29 [Arras, France]
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Mexico ----- 30
Queenship of Mary and Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces-----May 31

Our Lady of the Star -----June 1[Aquileia, Italy]
Our Lady of Edessa ----- 2 [Asia Minor]
Our Lady of Sasopoli ----- 3 [Italy]
Our Lady of the Hill ----- 4 [Lombardy, italy]
Our Lady of Haut,  Hainault, France ----- 5
Institution of the Nuns of the Visitation of Our Lady 
by St. Francis de Sales ----- 6
Our Lady of Marienthal ----- 7 [Germany]
The Immaculate Heart of Mary [Novus Ordo] 
and Our Lady of Alexandria, Egypt -----June 8
Our Lady of Montorello, Italy 
and Our Lady of Ligny, Lorraine, France ----- 9
Our Lady of Cranganor ----- 10 
[India: the Church was built by one of the Three Magi.]
Our Lady of Esquernes ----- 11 [Flanders]
Apparition of Our Lady to St. Herman ----- 12 [France]
dedication of the Church of Our Lady of Sichem ----- 13 [Belgium]
Our Lady of Arras ----- 14 [France]
Our Lady of the Taper -----  15 [England and Wales]
Our Lady of Aix la Chapelle -----16 [Germany]
Our Lady of the Forest ----- 17 [Brittany, France]
Appearance of Our Lady to St. Agnes Montepulciano ----- 18 [Italy]
Our Lady of Monte Senario ----- 19 [Florence, Italy]
Our Lady of Consolation ----- 20 [Luxemburg]
Our Lady of Matarieh ----- 21 [Cairo, Egypt]
Our Lady of Narni ----- 22 [Italy]
Our Lady Justienne at Carthage ----- 23
Our Lady of the Rosary [Our Lady of the Cape] ----- 23 [Canada]
Our Lady of Clos Evrard ----- 24 [Trier, Germany]
Divine Motherhood of Our Lady ----- 25 [Declared at the Council of Ephesus, 431.]
Our Lady of Meliapore ----- 26 [East Indies]
Our Lady of Perpetual Help-----June 27
Institution of the Angelus of Our Lady ----- 28 [Europe]
Our Lady of Buglose ----- 29 [France]
Our Lady of Calais ----- 30 [France]

Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady -----July 2 
[Instituted in 1385 by Pope Urban IV.]
Our Lady of la Carolle ----- 3 [Paris, France]
Our Lady of Miracles ----- 4 [Avignon, France]
Dedication of Our Lady of Cambray ----- 5 [Arras, France]
Our Lady of D'Iron ----- 6 [Dunois, France]
Our Lady of Arras ----- 7 [Netherlands]
Our Lady of Kazan ----- 8 [Russia]
Our Lady of Coutances ----- 9 [France]
Our Lady of Boulougne ----- 10 [France]
Our Lady of Clery ----- 11 [Orleans, France]
Our Lady of Lure ----- 12 [Avignon, France]
Image of Our Lady of Chartres ----- 13 [France]
Our Lady of the Bush ----- 14 [Portugal]
Our Lady of Molanus -----  15 [Jerusalem]
Our Lady of Mount Carmel-----16
Our Lady of Campitelli ----- 17 [Italy]
Our Lady of Victory ----- 18 [Toledo, Spain]
Our Lady of Moyen Point ----- 19 [Peronne, France]
Our Lady of Grace ----- 20 [Paris, France]
Our Lady of Verdun ----- 21 [Lorraine]
Our Lady of Safe Hiding or Safety -----  22 [Overloon, Holland]
Our Lady of Premontre -----  23 [Lancaster, England]
Our Lady of Cambron -----  24 [France]
Our Lady of Lac Bouchet -----  25 [Quebec]
Our Lady of Faith -----  26 [Cauchy]
Our Lady of Faith -----  27 [Gravelines]
Victory of the Turks Through Our Lady's Intercession -----  28
Our Lady of Deliverance -----  29 [Madrid Spain]
Our Lady de Gray -----  30 [France]
Our Lady of the Slain -----  31 [Lorban, Portugal]

Our Lady of the Order of Redeeming Captives -----August 1 [By request of Our Lady.]
Our Lady of the Angels-----August 2
Our Lady of Bows ----- 3 [London, England]
Our Lady of Dordrecht ----- 4 [Holland]
Our Lady of the Snows-----August 5
Our Lady of Capacabana ----- 6 [Bolivia]
Our Lady of Schiedam ----- 7 [Holland]
Our Lady of Kuehn ----- 8 [Brussels, Belgium]
Our Lady of Oegnies ----- 9 [Brabant, Netherlands]
Our Lady of Mercy ----- 10 [Barcelona, Spain]
Our Lady of the Way ----- 11 [St. Charles, Missouri]
Charlemagne Receives Two of Our Lady's Robes  ----- 11
Our Lady of Rouen ----- 12 [France]
Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary-----August 13
Vigil of the Assumption-----August 14
The Assumption-----August 15
Our Lady of Trapani -----16 [Sicily]
Victory of the King of France Imploring Our Lady of Chartres in 1257 ----- 17
Coronation of Our Lady-----18
Our Lady of the Don ----- 19 [Russia]
Our Lady of St. Bernard's "Ave." ----- 20 [Brabant, Netherlands]
Our Lady of Knock ----- 21 [Ireland]
The Immaculate Heart of Mary-----August 22 [Traditional]
Our Lady of Victory of Valois ------ 23 [France]
Our Lady of Benoite-Vaux, France ------ 23
Our Lady, Health of the Sick ----- 24 [Novus Ordo]
Our Lady, Health of the Sick -----August 25 [Traditional]
Our Lady of Rossano ----- 25 [Calabria, Italy]
Our Lady of Czestochowa-----August 26
The Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary-----August 27
Our Lady of Kiev ----- 28 [Russia]
Our Lady of Clermont ----- 29 [Poland]
Our Lady of Carquere ----- 30 [Portugal]
Our Lady of the Founders ----- 31[Constantinople]

Collection of all the Feasts of Our Lady ----- September 1 [Louvain, France]
Our Lady of Helbron -----  2 [Germany]
Our Lady of the Divine Shepherd ----- 3 [France]
Our Lady of Haut ----- 4 [Belgium]
Our Lady of the Woods ----- 5 [Galloro]
Our Lady of the Fountain ----- 6 [Valenciennes, France]
Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lady ----- 7
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary-----September 8
Our Lady of Le Puy ----- 9 [france]
Our Lady of Trut ----- 10 [Cologne, Germany]
Our Lady of Hildesheim ----- 11 [Germany]
Holy Name of Mary-----September 12
Our Lady of Zell, Austria and Our Lady of Guadalupa, Spain ----- 13
Our Lady of Einsiedeln ----- 14 [Switzerland]
Our Lady of Sorrows-----September 15
Our Lady of Good News -----16 [Sicily]
Our Lady of the Candles-----17
Our Lady of Smelcem ----- 18 [Flanders]
Our Lady of La Salette-----September 19
Our Lady of the Silver Foot ----- 20 [Lorraine, France]
Our Lady of Pucha ----- 21 [Valentia]
Giving of the Name Mary to Our Lady by St. Anne -----22
Our Lady of Valvenere ----- 23 [Spain]
Our Lady of Ransom-----September 24
Madonna, Divine Shepherdess ----- 25 [Spain]
Our Lady of Victory at Tourney ----- 26
Our Lady of Happy Assembly ----- 27 [Le Laus, France]
Our Lady of Cambron ----- 28 [France]
Our Lady of Tongres ----- 29 [France]
Our Lady of Beaumont ----- 30 [Lorraine, France]

Foundation of the Abbey de la Couronne-----October 1
Our Lady of the Assumption----- 2 [Naples, Italy]
Our Lady of the Place-----3 [Rome, Italy]
Our Lady of Vaussivieres-----4 [Auvergne, France]
Our Lady of Buch----- 5
Our Lady of All Help-----6
Our Lady of the Rosary-----October 7
Divine Maternity of Our Lady-----October 11
Our Lady of the Pillar-----October 12
Our Lady of Clairvaux-----13 [France]
Our Lady of La Rochelle-----14 [France]
Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of Terouenne----- 15
Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of Milan----- 16 [Italy]
Dedication of the Cave of Our Lady of Chartres----- 17 [France]
Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of Rheims----- 18 [France]
Dedication of the Holy Cross and Our Lady Abbey----- 19 [Royaumont, France]
Mater Admiralibis-----October 20
Our Lady of Talan----- 21 [Dijon, France]
Our Lady of the Underground----- 22 [Cairo, Egypt]
Our Lady of Consolation----- 23 [Honfleur, France]
Our Lady of Hermits----- 24 [Switzerland]
Dedication of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Toledo----- 25 [Spain]
Our Lady of Victory----- 26 [Senlis, France]
Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady, Help of Christians----- 27 [Turin, Italy]
Our Lady of Vivonne----- 28 [Savoy, France]
Our Lady of Orapa----- 29 [Vercelli, Italy]
Our Lady of Mondevi----- 30 [Piedmont]
Our Lady of the Miracle of St. Fort----- 31 [Chartres, France]

Our Lady of Emminont-----November 2 [Abbeville, France]
Our Lady of Rennes-----3 [Brittany, France]
Our Lady of Port Louis-----4 [Milan Italy]
Our Lady of Damietta----- 5 [Egypt]
Our Lady of Valfleurie----- 6 [Lyons, France]
Our Lady of the Pond-----7 [Dijon, France]
Our Lady of Belle Fontaine-----8
Our Lady of Almudena-----9 [Madrid, Spain]
Miraculous Cure Through Our Lady of Loreto----- 10
Our Lady of the Portuguese-----11
Our Lady of the Tower Secret-----12 [Turin, Italy]
Our Lady of Nanteuil----- 13 [France]
Our Lady of the Grotto----- 14 [Lamego, Portugal]
Our Lady of Pignerol-----15 [Savoy, France]
Our Lady of Chieves-----16 [Belgium]
Our Lady of Sion, Queen of the Jews-----17 
The Rosary Virgin of Chiquinquira-----18 [Columbia]
Our Lady of Good Tidings----- 19
Our Lady of La Guarde-----20 [Bologna, Italy]
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary-----November 21
Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary-----November 27
Our Lady of Walsingham-----28 [England]
Apparition of Our Lady of Beauraing-----29 [Belgium]
Our Lady of Genesta-----30 [Genoa, Italy]

Our Lady of Ratisbon-----December 1 [Bavaria]
Our Lady of Didinia-----December 2 [Turkey]
Our Lady of Victory-----3 [Paris, France]
Our Lady of La Chapelle----- 4[Abbeville, France]
Our Lady of the Jesuit College-----5 [Rome]
Our Lady of Seez----- 6 
Vigil of the Immaculate Conception-----December 7
The Immaculate Conception-----December 8
Our Lady of the Conception----- 9 [Naples, Italy]
Our Lady of Loreto-----10
Our Lady of the Angels-----11 [Paris, France]
Our Lady of Guadalupe-----December 12
Our Lady of the Holy Chapel -----13 [Paris, France]
Our Lady of Alba Royale-----14 [Hungary]
Octave Day of The Immaculate Conception-----December 15
Our Lady of Good Deliverance-----16 [Spain and Florida, USA]
Our Lady of Amiens-----17 [France]
Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary-----December 18
Our Lady of Toledo-----19 [Spain]
Our Lady of Molene, France-----20
Our Lady of St. Acheul, Amiens, France-----21
Our Lady of Chartres, Mother of Youth, France-----22
Our Lady of Ardilliers, Anjou, France-----23
Vigil of the Nativity and
Chaste Nuptials of Our Lady and St. Joseph -----24
Nativity of the Lord [Technically a Major Feast of Our Lord]-----December 25
Our Lady of Acheropita, Rossano, Italy-----26
Feast of the Institution of the Knights of Our Lady-----27
Our Lady of Pontoise, France-----28
Our Lady of Spire, Germany-----29
Our Lady of Bologna, Italy-----30
The Image of Our Lady of Chartres -----31




