Based almost entirely on the book of the same title, by
Marquis de la
MMR Publishing
PHONE 402-895-2000
Selections with commentary by Pauly Fongemie, Web Master
I will always remember hearing about this French mystic who predicted
the devastation of the Catholic Church through the
Novus Ordo Mass introduced by Pope
Paul VI. It is only now that I read of her life and the prophecies
so closely follow the Passion of our Lord. If only there had been holy
Churchmen who had foreknowledge of the Heaven's dire warnings at the
time of Vatican II
I have provided a two links whereby you may purchase the book and
related sacramentals and view images:
This presentation will be brief, it is better that you have your own
copy of the book.
begin with, just what is the stigmata?
Tanquerey, in his "Précis of Ascetical and Mystical Theology"
says: "This phenomenon consists of a sort of impression of the Sacred
Wounds of the Saviour on the feet, hands, side and forehead, they
appear spontaneously, without provocation by any exterior wound and
blood that is not corrupt flows from them periodically... "
Stigmatization exists only with Ecstatics as far as the Church has been
able to determine and is preceded and accompanied by enormous
suffering, physical and moral, which thus makes the subject similar to
the suffering Jesus. Absence of this suffering would not be a good sign
as the stigmata are just the symbol of union with the Divine Crucified
One and participation with His martyrdom.
Existence of the stigmata is proved by so many witnesses, that
unbelievers themselves generally admit their existence but they try to
give them a natural explanation.
signs to distinguish genuine stigmata of supernatural origin are the
1 —
The stigmata are placed in the same places where Our Lord received the
five wounds, whereas the exudation of blood of those who are hypnotized
is not placed in the same fashion.
2 —
Usually the renewal of wounds and sufferings of the stigmatists take
place on the days or times which recall the Passion of the Saviour,
such as Friday or some feast of Our Lord.
3 —
These wounds never fester; the blood that flows from them is pure,
whereas the smallest natural wound on another part of the body
suppurates, even with stigmatists. They do not heal, despite the usual
remedies and sometimes persist for thirty or forty years.
4 —
They produce copious bleeding this can be noted on the first day of
their appearance, but they become inexplicable the following days. The
abundance of the bleeding is also inexplicable; the stigmata are
generally on the surface, far away from the large blood vessels, and
yet they bleed profusely!
5 —
Finally and above all these stigmata are to be found only with people
who practice the most heroic virtues and who have a particularly great
love of the cross.
study of all these circumstances demonstrates well that this is not an
ordinary pathological case, but that there is here the intervention of
an intelligent and free cause which works on these stigmatists to make
them more conformable to the Divine Crucified One.
There is therefore no possible assimilation between mystical phenomena
and morbid phenomena.
Marie-Julie was born February 12, 1850 at Blain in the hamlet of
Coyault, the daughter of Charles Jahenny and Marie Boya and the eldest
of five children. Her parents belonged to that class of Catholic
peasant who knew how to combine love of work and a simple life-style to
being modestly well-off.
From the time of her first Communion, Marie-Julie was drawn to the
Divine Host of the Tabernacle and she joyfully complied to the desire
of Jesus Who said to her "Stay a little longer with Me." Which she
joyfully did.
Yet dutiful as a daughter of her household, she willingly played with
her sisters, her brother and her friends, to please them. As soon as
she was old enough she helped her mother with the housework. To become
more holy she became a Third Order Franciscan. For as long as she was
able to go to Church," writes M. Ragot [who wrote about her
stigmatization], "she was the model of the parish for her regularity
and modesty and everyone was edified by her recollection, her devotion
and fervor."
The stigmatization of Marie-Julie began in 1873.
Doctor Imbert-Gourbeyre, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at
Clermont-Ferrand, writes: "From the first years of the stigmata ... I
was called by Monsignor Fournier, Bishop of Nantes, to examine
medically this young Breton peasant; she was then twenty three years
old. The examination over, I declared to the Bishop that he possessed a
young woman with a genuine stigmata. That there was no fraud at La
Fraudais. Monsignor Fournier arrived promptly at the conviction that
the manifestations presented by his diocesan were of Divine origin."
On June 6, 1875, the holy Bishop wrote to the doctor: "The reports that
I receive daily on Marie-Julie show me more and more the action of God
on this soul. He grants her graces of an obvious supernatural order. At
the same time she grows in virtue and noble sentiments. The natural and
human disappear in her, and she often speaks to people she sees or who
are referred to her giving instructions which are not in keeping with
her normal state. Therefore be confident, dear Doctor, the time will
come when Marie-Julie herself will be the proof ... She is sincere:
what she manifests is supernatural. I see nothing but good, edifying
and in conformity with the principles of spirituality. Therefore it is
God Who favors her; you may he sure it will turn out well.
On February 22, 1873, Marie-Julie was seriously ill; Our Lady appeared
to her telling her she would have much to suffer. The following March,
on the 15th, there was another apparition of the Mother of God: She
asked Marie-Julie if she would accept the same sufferings that her Son
had endured for men. The reply was in the affirmative upon which Our
Lady announced that she would later have five wounds. The stigmata
began six days later.
The doctor interrogated Marie-Julie as to the way she had received the
stigmata. She replied: "When I received the stigmata, Our Lord appeared
to me with radiant wounds; it was as if a sun surrounded them.
"A luminous ray came out of each wound and struck my hands, feet and
side; at the end of each ray there was a drop of red blood. The ray
that left the side of Our Lord was twice as wide as the others and was
shaped like a lance. The pain I felt was very great, but it lasted
barely one second."
On February 20, 1874: "No sooner had Marie-Julie received the five
than Our Lady announced that she would become the bride of Our Lord ..."
"In 1875, Marie-Julie announced for over a month and several times that
she would soon have a new stigmata: a cross and a flower with the
inscription, "CRUX AVE" which would be impressed on her chest. More
than a week beforehand she specified the date: it was to be on the 7th
of December. The day before Marie-Julie's chest was examined to
establish that the promised stigmata did not yet exist. The following
day, before the ecstasy, she offered to be examined again; it was
deemed useless, she had the right to be believed. Soon she went into
ecstasy and while the marvelous impression was being made, witnesses
and family were able to verify incomparable scents that emanated from
her body through her clothes. When the ecstasy was over, one could see
the cross, the flower, and the inscription on her chest."
"Marie-Julie possesses at this moment the most numerous stigmata that
have yet been seen: the five wounds, the crown, the stigmata of the
shoulder, of the scourging and of the ropes that tied Our Savior, the
stigmata of the ring finger, and the epigraphic and figurative
When she first received the stigmata, it bled every Friday, later only
on Good Friday, but the pain of the stigmata always increased, and
always more so on Fridays.
Several Crucifixes bled at Marie-Julie's home. At the request of the
stigmatist who was bed-ridden, Father David, her director, had given
her a
picture of Our Lord on the Cross after having blessed it. An
extraordinary attraction for this picture seized her and she loved to
meditate with it several times a day. On the 21st of January 1877 Our
Lord appeared to her while she was in ecstasy and said to her: "Oh, you
who love Me, see how I suffer ... I pour out My Divine Blood to pay for
the sins of France ... The picture where I am crucified before which
meditate, will remind you of My suffering. The Divine Blood of My Five
Wounds which has just flowed on My Cross, will flow on the five Wounds
of this picture ... tell your Father to collect it. .. and now come
to earth: you will find My five Wounds bathed in blood."
Coming back to herself, Marie-Julie saw the picture covered in blood
and all her family witnessed the miracle. Father David kept the
miraculous picture.
A replica of the image can be purchased from above. Just
scroll down.
Mr. Pierre Ragot writes with exactitude in his small book on
Marie-Julie: "To purify His elect and to make them victims of
atonement, God often uses Satan, who in his hatred of mankind, is in
His hands the most active instrument. Sacred Scripture and especially
hagiography give us numerous examples of this conduct of Providence." also carries the Medal of Our Lady of Good Counsel
[Notre Dame de la Bonne Garde]
, which is in
strict agreement with the revelations received by Marie-Julie in the
course of several ecstasies and recalls the special devotion that this
pious stigmatist devoted to the veneration of the Cross and to the Very
Holy Virgin whom she implored so often at the foot of the ancient
statue of the Notre Dame de la Bonne Garde --- which
means Our Lady of Good Protection - and the medal has come to be
known as the medal of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Marie-Julie was molested by the devil many times. The author cites
Doctor Imbert-Gourbeyre: "Marie-Julie had received the stigmata but a
few weeks and already Our Lady had warned her several times that she
would soon be attacked by the devil. On the 26th of April, She appeared
to her again and announced severe trials, promising that She would
never abandon her then She disappeared with a gracious smile.
"A quarter of an hour later the devil appeared to Marie-Julie."
He attacked her, made the religious pictures fall, the relics; etc.
rosaries broken, straw mattress torn, a crucifix thrown on the floor;
some people thrown on the floor. Marie-Julie covered in wounds,
scratches, beaten nearly every day. The devil appearing either in his
usual form or as an animal or under the appearance of a young man of
great beauty, always promising cures, riches, etc. The wounds and
scratches provoked by the devil never went septic and healed very
quickly with holy water.
On the 29th of September, on the feast of Saint Michael, the devil was
defeated and returned the objects he had previously stolen. Marie-Julie
was left in peace until the following month of April. At that moment
the diabolical assaults began again. Satan forced grass into her mouth
and a phial of poisoned blood closing her jaws so that she could not
open them until after an exorcism pronounced by Father David. On 12th
of January 1875 the devil appeared to her in the form of a priest with
a stole that had no cross and wanted to give her a host which she
Like many other great mystics Marie-Julie underwent starvation or
miraculous abstinence. This total abstinence began for the first time
on the 12th of April 1874 and lasted ninety four days. She had
announced it beforehand as she also did for the second period which
lasted five years, one month and twenty two days from the 28th of
December 1875. As she had predicted, during these periods Holy
Communion was enough to sustain her and as Doctor Imbert-Gourbeyre
recorded during the whole of this period there were no liquid or solid
During her ecstasies one could observe her usual characteristics in
this miraculous state the senses no longer acted; her soul was
completely absorbed in God; absolute insensibility to the point that
she would not notice or make the least movement when she was pricked or
burned or when violent lights were flashed in her eyes. Some of her
ecstasies were accompanied by levitation; at that moment she was
ecstatically light.
We add that when her spiritual director or a competent religious
Authority gave her the order to interrupt her ecstasy and come back to
ordinary life, she obeyed immediately whether the "call" was mental
vocal or in writing.
Marie-Julie also possessed the ability to distinguish between an
unconsecrated Host and the actual Eucharist.
Marie-Julie had the grace almost uniquely reserved to stigmatists, but
even exceptional for them of having several auxiliary Angels as well as
their own Guardian. She enjoyed this privilege during the time she was
deaf, dumb, blind and paralyzed.
During Christmas night 1879 she received the Child Jesus in her arms,
her description of the scene is really touching: "I felt in my soul a
great heat of love which set me ablaze; I felt my soul leaving and
going in the midst of a multitude of Angels who were going to the
Divine crib, and when I was at the Holy Child's crib, I felt this same
burning as I had never felt before; and at once the Holy Child said to
His dear Mother: 'My dear Mother, give Me the beautiful robe that we
have prepared, you and I.' And Our Lady gave me a white dress, and the
small Child Jesus placed a white cloak over my shoulders. He said to
me: 'I want to rest on your heart, in your arms.' I was about to run
away so as not to take Him because I am not worthy, when He said to me:
'Stay there, I want you to carry Me.' I began to cry; He dried my tears
with His small hand and there is a crib of fire I received the Holy
Infant Jesus ... I held Him in my hands, His adorable little head on my
heart, while I held Him, He stroked my cheeks with His delicate hands.
He gave me a small kiss ... there in the middle of my forehead, and
afterwards He had in His right hand a golden nail and placed it like
this ... straight on my heart, saying: 'One day this same golden nail
will remain engraved where I have placed it! From the place of this
nail will exude a scent which will be the same when you come out of the
tomb before the Resurrection.' I do not know what this means and I did
not ask Him. 'The marvels of the scent,' He said to me, 'will be the
same during your life as after your death.' In fact, from that time on
there often came these unique scents from Marie-Julie's chest which
were smelled by numerous visitors.
Herewith are but a few of her predictions, visions, and or prophecies,
some of which concern France, while others more universal:
As early as the 15th of September 1879, Marie-Julie announced
Kulturkampf and
the war in Germany against Catholics. She also announced the religious
persecutions triggered off by the Freemasons and Republicans; military
service imposed on religious; the plundering of Church possessions; the
closing of colleges; departure and exile of Religious Congregations.
The separation of Church and State, the suppression of Crucifixes in
hospitals, in courtrooms and teaching establishments; suppression of
chaplains in the Army and Navy, the creation of atheistic schools,
iniquity, irreligion, revolution and anti-patriotism. In one word,
crime---and she added that youth would be directed "by all that is most
corrupt and dirty and would be instructed in a blasphemous religion ...
the mortal creature would be made to adore all that is most infamous
and ignoble, and indecently presented."
And she said that the Chamber of Deputies is the "hall of hell"
and would be struck by the fire of Heaven.
As early as the 15th of September 1881 she announced all the
circumstances of the death of Melanie Calvat, the shepherdess of La
Salette, who died twenty-three years later, on the 15th of December,
1904, at Altamura, in Italy, and the prophecy came true exactly.
She announced beforehand the eruption of Mont Pele at St. Pierre in the
Martinique, and then described it while it was taking place.
She predicted the Transvaal war as early as 1881 and said it would take
place at the death of Queen Victoria who died in 1901. She added that
France would always have to beware of England.
On the 26th of October 1877, Marie-Julie saw four crosses. The first
was for: "France, your tears and your walling have not been heard."
The second: "Brittany, your moaning heart sighed to my Son. He has
heard your voice."
The third: "Dear Vendee, how many times you have shed your blood for
your faith. My blessings will fall on you."
The fourth: "Alsace and Lorraine will be reunited to France."
At the death of Leo XIII, a few days before the opening of the
conclave, Marie-Julie had the following revelation which describes in
advance the reign of the future Pope: "The Adriatic Cardinal is chosen
by God, His reign will be that of Christ. He will not last very long
and will be called Pius."
She predicted the world wars of 1914 and 1939. About this last one,
speaking of the Germans, as early as the 18th of November, 1920, she
said: "These cruel and barbaric souls have not disarmed against the
poor children of My Kingdom ... They seek by means of great injustice
to pay their debts with iron ... They will come back. They will do a
lot of harm ... But I will keep My Kingdom ... My Divine power will
stop their rage ... I will drive them back."
She foresaw the war in Algeria: "The land of the Arabs will triumph
over the poor French armies; all the priests of those religious will
have to undergo the most cruel miseries ..." This took place to the
letter, since those unfortunate priests were odiously persecuted by too
many diocesan Ordinaries of the Metropolis and by the majority of the
clergy ...
She depicted a terribly exact portrait of the false savior, de Gaulle,
who was, in fact, consciously or unconsciously, the biggest malefactor
in the history of France. Our Lord had said to Marie-Julie: "His lies
and his conceit do not deceive Me." [The author provides a footnote
quoting a Mon. Zeller former Grandmaster of the Freemasons who relates
the reception by De Gaulle of the Grand Lodge of the Grand Orient in
France at Algiers in 1943.]
As to the events and calamities that are either happening now or are to
The Mother of God complains of the contempt that the clergy shows with
regard to her messages and her apparitions, and Our Lord adds on the
4th of January, 1884: "I have done everything for My people. I sent My
Mother on earth. Very few believed in Her words. My voice was heard
everywhere through the victims I Myself had chosen and on whom I
worked marvels and prodigies. They were despised and persecuted..."
On the 19th of September 1901---anniversary of the apparition at
La Salette---Our Lady said:
"Today my eyes still have a trace of the tears that I shed on that day,
when I wanted to bring my children the good news if they converted, but
sad news if they continued with their iniquities ... They take little
notice of what I revealed ... Now is the time that these great promises
will be accomplished that the Church authorities have despised ... They
did not want the light!... I have suffered a great deal for all this.
Pain oppresses my heart at this moment ... The most painful sword right
now is to see the provisions that have been taken and that are in the
making ... It is to see the pastors detaching themselves from the
Sacred Bond that directs and governs Holy Church ... My children, when
I remember the day I brought my warnings to the holy mountain (La
Salette), to the threatened world; when I remember the harsh reception
of my words! ... not by all, but by many. And those who should have
made them known to the souls, hearts and spirits of children with great
confidence, deep penetration; they took no notice! They despised them
and most of them refused their confidence ...
On the 4th of August 1904, the Queen of Heaven returned again to the
question because of the wish of some holy priests who wanted to make
known the message of La Salette, "Other pastors rebelled," and the
message was: "Put back under seas," whereas it should have been
"delivered to the world." It was because pastors and the priesthood was
the great issue that there was a rebellion "How do you expect
punishments not to fall on the world ... they go so far as to make my
words disappear and to cause suffering to the ones I devoted to this
Holy Cause ... I will reward my good pastors ... my servants ..."
"Self respect is mortified. I know how my Son is served in Holy Orders
and how priests live at all times ... How do you expect Heaven to bless
the earth! I do not speak of all pastors, all priests, but the number I
exclude is very small ... All the souls are allowed to drift ... very
little notice is taken of their salvation! ... They like to rest, good
living and comfort ... Our dear priest victims are very few! The Holy
Tribunal is looked at with indifference ... they go up to the Holy
because they are forced to accomplish this act ..."
On the 12th of May 1896: "I have done everything I could to save My
people from the punishments. Many priests have grumbled and would not
believe My Immaculate Word ... They greatly displease me and have
offended the Holy of Holies ..."
And again on the 19th of September of the same year: "The priest is no
longer humble; he is no longer respectful, he is frivolous and cold in
the holy service. He thinks of strengthening his body when he lets
souls groan without consolation ... The worldly feasts will be paid
for terribly in eternity... On the day of the great shake-up of My
anger: Men will deny the King they served. The faithless priest will
not be afraid to deny his Father and put to shame his priesthood for
all eternity like Judas. We shall see the betrayals that will take
the day that the terror will be widespread ... To save the life of the
body, many will lose their souls!"
On the 29th of October 1903: "The warnings of the Holy of Holies have
been disregarded ... His words were rebuffed by those who should have
propagated them, listened to them and increased the grace of love. The
missions that Our Lady fulfilled on earth have not been known. No
notice was taken of her most solemn words ... there was a revolt
her revelations ... from those who should have spread these words in
whole of France. .. but what a heavy cross awaits them!
A heavy burden will overwhelm them ... A distinct justice is reserved
for them..."
And in 1907 Our Lord added: "Does not the systematic stifling of My
Divine Words comprise the gravest responsibilities! This is why severe
accounts will be demanded of those who
intercepted the message from on high!"
During the elections which ensured the triumph of the Republicans (in
France) in 1877 and 1879, Our Lady complained: "It was the priests,
nearly all of them who were the first to call for the ungodly men who
govern the world. The priests hid themselves to give their vote to the
revolutionaries ..." (But) "the eyes of my Son followed them."
"Today, they no longer hide themselves, many of them follow the
procession behind the red flag. But Our Lord adds, and refers
not only to the clergy but to the majority of the population: "They
have all wanted disorder and revolution; they will have their fill."
(June 1, 1882).
On another occasion He complained (October 25, 1881): "I announce a
terrible punishment for those I have clothed with sacred vestments and
filled with grace ... They persecute My Church ... They are very
guilty, not all of them, but many, far the
greater number ... I know their intentions, I know their thoughts ... I
see weakness taking hold of my priests to a terrifying extent, the
greatest part is not on the royalist side, they are on the side that
plants in this poor country, their standard is the color of blood and
And the Queen of Heaven continues: "More than ever the number of
priests that one calls real ministers of God is very small,
it is really small ... There are many priests who will not ... be
asked, on the day of terror, to violate the secrets of the
confessional ... This has already started. Did they not install
microphones in Padre Pio's
confessional ... and did not one of the accomplices of this outrage
occupy for too long a time an important place at the Vatican ..."
She continues: "There are some who work under cover while waiting to
discard their priestly vestments to better cause horror and abomination
amongst the people ... There will be scandals ... you must expect all
kinds of things ... The heart of the Church is now only a bleeding
Today crime is brought to the foot of the altar ..."
And since the stigmatist said she would not repeat this, St. Michael
the Archangel replied: "The Lord desires it ... I tell the friends of
God to prepare themselves and to redouble their prayers because
everything is on the point of very great suffering, but God's friends
are forewarned. They can now only wait in the silence of their generous
faith ... all the friends of the Cross have a special protection
reserved by the Holy of Holies and His Beloved Mother."
Our Lord specifies [1881]: "Woe to the priest who does not reflect on
the enormous responsibility which he will have to give back to Me. And
the pastors of the Church [the bishops] what will they do for their
faith! The greater number are ready to give their faith to save their
bodies ... the suffering they cause [the Church] will never be
In a short time the pastors of the Church will have spread scandals
everywhere and will have given the last sword thrust to holy Church."
And soon after, on the 14th of December 1881, Our Lady added: "The time
of crimes has begun ... woe to those who dare to make pacts with these
personages who appear in diabolical visions ... my victim, many souls
will be possessed a few months before (the crisis) ..., the world will
be mad with fear and in this madness, the devil, who is everywhere on
earth, will make them deny their Baptism and the Cross ..."
On the same day did she not announce abortion when she said: "The times
of crime have begun. Many mothers will be heartless for their own
fruits, still innocent, flowers in Heaven!"
On the 24th of April 1884, Our Lord said: "Priests will separate
themselves from the voice of authority in greatest numbers. A
scandalous freedom of disunion, of levity, will spread in all the
dioceses of France ..."
"Later on Our Lord showed me the number of apostasies at the time of
the fatal event ... It will be the ministers of God, who will be the
first to begin, not all of them ... This punishment will open the
Heavens and the God of vengeance will appear with a display of
justice ... Never had I seen from so close the anger of God..."
(November 11, 1884). "But woe to the pastors who abandon the flock"
(January 27, 1882).
Marie-Julie announces the profanation of the Holy Species: "They will
be thrown in the mud." (October 17,1883) This has in fact happened.
"The temples of God, where Hell has taken up residence and placed its
field of action. It is time to raise one's eyes to Heaven because in
all corners of the world there will be Antichrists as at the time of
the Last Judgment who will travel through the whole world to pervert
She sees the temporary triumph of Freemasonry, the secularized
priest ... all these enemies want churches to become theaters of
dances and will continue implacably their aim to obtain the cessation
of Holy Mass.
They also intend to remove all Crucifixes and statues of the Saints
from all the shrines and throw
them in a profane place to break them with joy."
How could she foresee all that is happening in front of our eyes since
the 9th of June 1880 if she was not inspired?
On the 19th of March 1878, Our Lady gave the approximate date of the
last crisis: "In a hundred years Heaven will have harvested its crop
even before the hundred years are up." Therefore, it is not far off.
And, He announced the introduction of the enemies of the Church into
its bosom: "Before long they will come into power in everything and it
will be freedom of evil ... The holy ministry will be covered in
shame ... An undercover grumbling reigns in the hearts of many priests
against the bond of Faith (the Pope)."
She frequently announced that the enemies of the Church would penetrate
into its bosom: "And perpetrate horrible scandals and thrust the sword
into the heart of the Church. Rage has never been greater."
She had a vision of a dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer and
the latter said: I will attack the Church. I will overthrow the Cross,
I will decimate the people, I will deposit a great weakness of Faith in
hearts. There will also be A GREAT DENIAL OF RELIGION. For a time I
will be MASTER of all things, everything will be under MY CONTROL, even
Your temple and all Your people."
"Saint Michael says that Satan will have possession of everything for
some time and that he will reign completely over everything; that all
goodness, Faith, Religion will be buried in the tomb ... Satan
and his own will triumph with joy, but after this triumph, the Lord
will in His turn gather His Own people and will REIGN and TRIUMPH OVER
EVIL and WILL RAISE UP from the tomb the buried Church, the prostrated
Cross ..."
Marie-Julie saw that "there will not remain any vestige of the Holy
Sacrifice, no apparent trace of faith. CONFUSION will be everywhere
"All the works approved by the infallible Church will cease to exist as
they are today for a time. In this sorrowful annihilation, brilliant
signs will be manifested on earth. If because of the wickedness of men
Holy Church will be in darkness, the Lord will also send darkness that
will stop the wicked in their search of wickedness ..."
On November 27, 1902 and May 10, 1904,
Our Lord and Our Lady announced
the conspiracy to invent the "New Mass": "I give you a WARNING.
disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake
according to their ideas and under the influence of the enemy of souls
a MASS that contains words that are ODIOUS in My sight. When the fatal
hour arrives when the faith of my priests is put to the test, it will
be (these texts) that will be celebrated in this SECOND period ... The
FIRST period is (the one) of my priesthood which exists since Me. The
SECOND is (the one) of the persecution when the ENEMIES of the Faith
and of Holy Religion (will impose their formulas) in the book of the
second celebration ... These infamous spirits are those who crucified
and are awaiting the kingdom of THE NEW MESSIAH."
(Therefore, it is the Jews who are responsible for the new Mass; and in
fact the formula of the Offertory of the new Mass is inspired on the
Jewish Kabbala. Jean Bustorf, in his
Judaica, the 1661
edition, page 242, gives the following words:
For the bread: "Benedictus Tu, Domine Deus noster, mundi domine qui
panem nobis a terra produxisti."
For the wine: "Benedictus Tu, Domine Deus noster, mundi domine qui
vineae fructum creaveris."
And Our Lord Adds: "Many of My holy priests will refuse this book
sealed with the words of the abyss." Then sadly: "Unfortunately amongst
them are those who will accept, it will be used."
When He speaks of "inserted sheets," in the "Book of the Second
celebration," it seems Our Lord announces even the falsifications or
personal wild innovations introduced in the liturgy by so many priests
and of their own accord and without any permission from their
We can legitimately wonder if Our Lord did not mean the second edition
of the Constitution, "Missale Romanum," in which a page was inserted
(surreptitiously? ...) and which (falsifies all the number of pages of
this edition ...). A constitution which had three successive
editions ... which is a unique occurrence in the Annals of the Church!
And the French translation sent out from the Vatican Press falsifies
the text, since the Latin text states that the new Roman Missal is
"Permitted" in Latin ... whereas the local languages would be
only after the editions prepared at the Bishops' conferences had been
approved by the Holy See. This French edition has: "We order that the
prescriptions of this Constitution come into force..."
This is how things stand at the moment. And for the future, the
consummation of sacrilegious abomination.
Marie-Julie saw that "there will not remain any vestige of the Holy
Sacrifice, no apparent trace of faith. Confusion will be everywhere."
Marie-Julie announced the three days of darkness during which the
infernal powers will be loosed and will execute all the enemies of God.
"The crisis will explode suddenly; the punishments will be shared by
all and will succeed one another without interruption ..." [January 4,
1884] "The three days of darkness will be on a THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND
SATURDAY. Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady
... three days less one night."
"The earth will be covered in darkness", says Our Lady on 20th of
September 1882, "AND HELL WILL BE LOOSED ON EARTH. Thunder and
lightning will cause those who have no faith or trust in My Power, to
die of fear."
"During these three days of terrifying darkness, no windows must be
opened, because no one will be able to see the earth and the terrible
colour it will have in those days of punishment without dying at
once ..."
"The sky will be on fire, the earth will split ... During these three
days of darkness let the blessed candle be lighted everywhere, no other
light will shine ..."
"NO ONE OUTSIDE A SHELTER.. will survive. The earth will shake as at
the judgment and fear will be great. Yes, We will listen to the
prayers of your friends; NOT ONE WILL PERISH. We will need them to
publish the glory of the Cross ..." [December 8, 1882]
darkness. ONE CANDLE alone will be enough for the duration of this
night of hell ... In the homes of the wicked and blasphemers these
candles will give NO LIGHT."
"And Our Lady states: "Everything will shake except the piece of
furniture on which the blessed candle is burning. This will not shake.
You will all gather around with the crucifix and my blessed picture.
This is what will keep away this terror."
"During this darkness the devils and the wicked will take on THE MOST
HIDEOUS SHAPES ... red clouds like blood will move across the sky. The
crash of the thunder will shake the earth and sinister lightning will
streak the heavens out of season. The earth will be shaken to its
foundations. The sea will rise, its roaring waves will spread over the
continent. .."
wicked and the just will cover the ground."
"Three-quarters of the population of the globe will disappear. Half the
population of France will be destroyed."
On Tuesday, the 23rd of June 1936, a young girl from Blain had brought
Marie-Julie a lily that had been placed before the Blessed Sacrament at
the parish church during the feast of Corpus Christi. This lily was
placed in the arms of the big crowned statue of Our Lady of Lourdes
which dominates the bedside of Marie-Julie and it remained there during
the entire ecstasy.
During the ecstasy, replying to a total offering of Marie-Julie in her
name and the name of all her friends, Our Lady said: "As a reward, I
have in my arms this beautiful white flower which recalls the most
beautiful of my virtues ... scatter this spotless flower... Everyone
take a small bit home, it is I myself you will carry away, the Queen of
Lilies, the Queen of Peace, the Queen of Prodigies, the Queen of

Then, at the end of the ecstasy, at the last blessing, Our Lady said to
Marie-Julie: "Give a small piece (of lily) to all my small children, it
is the flower of Jesus, with a delicious scent blessed on earth ...
There must be many lilies for Jesus."
People present were under the impression that the lily placed in the
arms of Our Lady of Lourdes during the ecstasy took on the same
freshness as when it had just been cut.
On Tuesday, the 2nd of February 1937, feast of the Purification of Our
Lady, during her particular morning ecstasy, Marie-Julie thanked her
for all the graces of protection in accidents, of preservation in
accidents, and cures granted to people who had recourse to the
fragments of the lily. Our Lady then confirmed her words of the
preceding 23rd of June, when Our Lord interrupted her, saying:
"Remember My Mother, that I had given My blessing before thine." Then
Our Lady continued: "I blessed this lily after my Divine Son, it will
do many marvels..." and she asked Marie-Julie to have her invoked under
the title of Our Lady of the Lilies.
Two days later, on the 4th of February, during the usual ecstasy, Our
Lady said the following words: "Little friends, give me this title:
Mother of Purity, Lily of Purity without Stain. Spread my love on earth
by this Lily which has adored Jesus in the Holy Tabernacle, by this
beautiful Lily where Jesus has placed His purest graces, the most
glowing with love. I will give many graces, I will even work prodigies,
I will give health back to the sick when they are touched by this
beautiful Lily of Purity ..." "Oh, little children of the earth, come
to my heart, invoke me as Our Lady of the Lilies, Mother of Power,
Mother of Prodigies..."
Then, Marie-Julie said: "It does not surprise me, good Heavenly Mother,
that a shower of graces overflowed from thy heart to fall on this Lily
which thou hast watered with thy favors, this Lily, the white corollas
of which thou distributes to encourage us to have recourse to thee,
predisposing us (to trust) to tell us that this Lily will take us to
Heaven, as it took the Most Holy Virgin with her beautiful virtues, to
the Kingdom of her Divine Son, to love and adore Him eternally. Jesus
has said many times: 'Mother, give thy graces to thy children on earth,
I give Mine, I mingle them with thine, thine with Mine, is it not the
same thing, so that it is two great blessings that flow on them from
this blessed Lily; their eyes do not see them, but the eyes of the
soul, their souls are not unaware'..."
Blessings and promises were renewed on different occasions, notably on
the 8th of April 1937, by the Blessed Virgin: "O, my little children, I
bless you with all my heart, I bless you with the heart of Our Lady of
On the lOth of June 1937, by Our Lord: "Little friends, I give your
Lilies the same blessing that I gave those which protected you and
which made you find the name so dear to My Gentle Mother of 'Our Lady
of the Lilies,' distribute them ... I will work miracles, I will do
extraordinary prodigies t for My chosen ones on earth ..."
And, again, on the 18th of July 1939: "I bless the Lilies and give them
My power to relieve poor suffering."
During an ecstasy, Our Lord, having spoken of roses, violets, etc...
that were presented during ecstasies, and which received blessings and
graces, He added that nevertheless it was to the lily, as being her
privileged flower, that Our Lady reserved her greatest benefits.
The bulbs of the lilies that were in the small enclosure behind
Marie-Julie's cottage were removed on her request on the 8th of
December 1938. They were blessed by Our Lord, some during the ecstasy
of the day, the others during the Way of the Cross the following day.
Our Lord promised that the lilies of those bulbs would be blessed as
soon as they appeared on earth and it would be enough to present the
flowers on the petals before the Blessed Sacrament exposed to have the
same blessings and privileges of the preceding ones and that in this
way the devotion to Our Lady of the Lilies would be assured and
continued after the death of Marie-Julie.
God never strikes without warning. He has sent us His Holy Mother who
came and wept at La Salette, she was neither listened to nor believed.
God will therefore punish without precedence the whole universe.
Earlier on He had indicated to Marie-Julie, who had the stigmata and
was held in high esteem by some bishops of Nantes, the natural and
supernatural means of protecting ourselves. And to have blessed candles
for the days of darkness.
"I hail the, I venerate thee, I embrace thee, oh adorable Cross of my
Savior. Protect us, keep us, save us. Jesus loved thee so much, by His
example I love you. By thy holy image calm my fears, I only feel peace
and confidence."
Prayer to the Cross During
Great Storms
O Crux Ave, spes unica "Et Verbum caro factum est." Oh Jesus, conqueror
of death, save us.
Words of Our Lord to Marie-Julie during an ecstasy: "A medal of my
Divine Heart. A medal, traced on it My adorable Cross. You will dip in
a glass of water these two images, made either of cardboard or metal.
"You will drink this water that is twice blessed and twice purified. A
single drop in your food, a tiny drop will be sufficient to keep away
not just the scourge, but the scourges of My Justice.