Abortion and the Syrian
Pretext for War
The television news was
on in the background - I was working and not really tuned in - when I
heard Catholic renegade and Secretary of State John Kerry's voice.
Actually I should say Secretary of War. He was sounding the drumbeat
for war with Syria over the use of sarin gas or chemical weaponry to
punish the rebels, who are as anti-Christian and anti-West as the
Syrian regime. In this civil conflict there are no "good guys".
Murderous thugs are well,
murderous thugs. No one with any sense of brotherly love can approve of
the use of the deadly gas on women and children, who are but
inconveniences for Syria's Assad, and
a useful hinge for the Muslim extremists.
What struck me was that before it dawned that it was the crisis in
Syria that fueled Kerry's latest passion for outrage, I briefly thought
that he must have had a midnight conversion on the matter of the Church
and her condemnation of abortion. I distinctly recall Kerry talking
about all the babies being killed by chemicals and that it was a moral
obscenity, which it surely is. WOW! I thought, the power of prayer and
the mercy of the grace of God. This rejoicing was but a moment long for
then I heard Syria and all of the rest of his justification for war.
Apart from the horror of war and all its atrocities, especially as it
affects women and children who are not combatants, I was stunned by the
depth and scope of the irony and how seemingly unaware Kerry and Obama
are that they are so two-faced. But then Obama symbolizes paradox
Here we have two obscenities defended by our own regime: war on two
fronts: on the one hand war on innocent, helpless babies in the womb,
millions, not just a few thousand, who are poisoned to death by
chemical warfare - most early abortions are this method, rather than
the surgical strike [another war term, more irony]! And on the other
the curious but altogether too expected phony pretext for aiding the
Islamist rebels who are aided by Saudi Arabia, who fund the Muslim
Brotherhood and also by us, I suspect by our gun running to them, which
is the real story behind the Benghazi tragedy.
Certainly it cannot in all honesty be the use of chemical weapons on
citizens, against the Geneva Convention, for even the UN fails to see
that this rises to the level of the brutality of war in such a
conflict, because the US has not done this in some time because the
reality of war is so weighty that only an immediate threat to the
country would justify taking such measures. It is not as if Assad just
decided to use sarin gas on an entirely innocent population for the
purpose of exterminating them gratuitously. If he is the actual
perpetrator, he at least felt threatened, whether he incurred the
threat from his own evil deeds or not. Thus there is no moral duty,
given the exigencies of modern warfare in that powder keg region of the
Middle East, mostly arrayed against Israel, to go after Syria,
especially since the potential for making matters worse grows
exponentially. And even more deadly than ever - more than a mere
possibility. The timing of the Obama administration alone is suspect as
is their feigned outrage, given that it fails to recognize or if it
does, care two wits about the brutality of the murder of innocent
babies residing in the womb, which is supposed to be a place of safety
and refuge from all harm.
In all truth unparsed, once again, as in Iraq, we are on the verge of
aiding the worst of two evil choices, always in favor of those who are
willing to persecute and slaughter Christians, while ousting or
attacking the one, whatever evil he instigates, he at least protects
Christians! Do not the American people see at last???
In today's war speak all bets are off but one. As in Iraq [the pretext
of weapons of mass destruction and Biden's call for the impeachment of
Bush], we will only succeed in making that region of the world safer
than ever for Islam and its most virulent strains and always less safe,
unconsciencely so, for Christians - per Iraq and Egypt.
All bets are off because in his total incompetence as
Commander-in-Chief, Obama has already telegraphed ahead our plans to
the enemy. Beyond belief or reason!
All in all, any way one looks at the impending peril, it is a bitter
pill to swallow, much like a suicidal wish undertaken in foolhardy and
reckless obeisance to nihilist ideas in order to shore up a president's
vanity and his failing presidency as he gives every strong hint that he
is willing to bring the USA toppling down with him in a rush to
Armageddon, if he sees the need, no matter what Congress decides or
what the moral imperative is!
The 2012 Election and Beyond
Filed by Pauly Fongemie,
September 12, 2012
The labrador retriever [actually original to Newfoundland and not
Labrador] is the most popular breed of dog in America trained
to recover game that has been shot, that is, mortally wounded. In this
task it knows no equal. The retriever also makes a wonderful companion
because of its disposition and keen intelligence; the dog has a natural
dignity if we can speak of dignity as an attribute of the canine. I
have raised various breeds, mostly labs, and found this to be true as
matters go. One's friendship with a lab is at heart an
adventure, especially on long walks in the crisp autumn. He takes his
mistress for the walk, and not the other way around, although he
certainly knows she is in command and is content with the arrangement.
It is a friendship of trust that is merited and great devotion,
including Catholic devotion, always at one's feet for the daily Rosary.
No matter where the labrador is in the house at the time, when he hears
"Time for the Rosary" he makes haste to be a part of the ritual,
reclining --- he does not sprawl --- and remaining quiet
as if in awe. Always. Others have told me
of different kinds of dogs they have known who have done this as well.
sure this is true, but it is the sporting dog, the active dog, that one
would least presume to behave this way, without specifically
training it to do so. Labs just sort of train themselves to be somewhat
human in this regard, as if they had a spiritual nature. They may not
have a human intellect and soul, but they are savvy, wiser in their own
way than some
people I
have known.
One cannot always say the same about the Republican Party, at least the
moribund establishment that is in control. I was once again painfully
reminded about this the other day. One of my heroines, Miss Laura
Ingraham, of
talk radio, is of the opinion that if the GOP cannot retrieve a victory
given the abysmal Obama record and all the ostensible blunders
of his, that the Republicans ought to disband and start anew from the
beginning. Sarah Palin, never one to back down from the necessary role
of rebel [Going Rogue] in the
face of the perversity of the inner circle, agreed.
Mrs. Palin was decidedly not invited to speak at the Republican
Convention, although John McCain was. The powers that be are still
smarting from its well-deserved loss in 2008 and like all
contrarians, blaming the rout on an innocent person, here, Sarah Palin.
She followed the dictates of the GOP handlers, to the loss of our
country and somewhat to her reputation. The GOP elites are so blind it
is almost astonishing. Meanwhile, our only local talk radio station is
no longer airing the Laura
Ingraham show unfortunately, so I am dependent on other sources, mainly
FOX News, for her awaited appearances.
The occasion the other evening was the O'Reilly Factor, where she was a
via satellite. He asked Sarah Palin [Ibid]
what Romney needed to do to counter the sorry poll numbers [see more
about the polls infra], the
perception of him and his platform. When he was asking her this he
threw in some hot-button terms, such as socialist. You are probably
saying to yourself, well, so what, is this not accurate? How can this
be hot-button and or controversial? Oh, but of
course it is precisely the right word and by this time ought not be
debatable or
controversial at all, if things were as they used to be!
Do you not see, reader, that O'Reilly is as contrary in his clouded,
conflicted mind as the GOP establishment is? Let me explain. Ever since
the 2008 campaign Bill O'Reilly was adamant that Barack Obama was not a
socialist, although an ideologue of left-leaning sensibilities, which
the practical sense is
essentially the same thing, minus a degree or two, given the nature of
the trajectory of
liberalism as it truly is. No
matter the evidence otherwise clearly marking him as a diehard
socialist, the "Factor" refuted the claim as invalid. Now, here he is
advocating or suggesting strongly that the term socialist ought to be
used. Which is it? Hmmm? This is the sort of thing he does so
constantly it is a staple in his arsenal of reputed hard-hitting
The same broadcast included a look at Caroline Kennedy's apostate
address to the Democratic Convention, a disgrace and scandal for
someone asserting her Catholicism. He was rightly indignant that she
had no moral right to do this, etc. Amen! One of the remarks that he
included in his denunciation was that she can't pick and choose here,
[life issues] in so many words. Yet, this is Mr. O'Reilly's stance for
himself. I have lost track of how many times he has stated that he
decides for himself what he will choose to accept about Church
teaching, one of the most flagrant examples being about homosexuality
and exceptions to abortion. He even refers to the growing child in the
womb as "potential life". Is this not exactly the same thing that Ms.
Kennedy does? The only answer comporting with reason is YES!
The clouding of the American mind, cut off from utter dependency on
Almighty God as it were, is to be expected, the only reasonable thing
under the circumstances. Still today it appears to be the economy, stupid. As a whole we
Americans, pundit and non-pundit alike are operating under the premise
that the economy is up to us through leadership to fix. But who is to
wisely know? Oh, naturally enough Romney is no socialist in comparison
to Obama but he, too, is conflicted, without realizing it I am certain.
Obama is not so conflicted. The only error he makes is his assessment
of the reaction
of the people on a common sense level. He is not inept, but aims to do
exactly what he does, and in this he is very successful: he has managed
to turn a crippled nation into a paralyzed one on life-support. He
wants the down sizing; it is in his political and social DNA, inherited
from his father's beliefs and some of his mother's and those who
influenced him after they were gone. This is what Rush Limbaugh meant
when he said he wanted him to fail, fail to install his vision of
America. Obama simply does not know anything
else and is resistant to the truth. So, accordingly, Romney could not
any more harm and might even help.
But here lies the conundrum. How is one to assess Mitt Romney? After
all he has proclaimed himself proudly pro-life, then says he is for
exceptions to abortion, which undercuts the pro-life principle. If the
baby in the womb is a child, a human person, which he is, and entirely
innocent, then how can one permit his murder under the guise of a right
in one case and not the other? This is arbitrary at best and heinous at
worst and cannot stand rationally and morally. He emphatically says he
will repeal Obamacare, then says he wants to retain parts of the bill.
Very much in line with the US House which voted to repeal Obamacare,
but then its contrarian head, Speaker Boehner, says they might vote to
fund it anyway. How's that again!! Which is it exactly? Given Romney's
Massachusetts record, more questions
remain than answers. And so forth. I know less about Romney today than
I did last week and the week before. I am truly confused and
I cannot vote for the most
pro-abortion President in the history of this country, one who favors
rewriting the natural law definition of marriage among other
atrocities, under any circumstance. But by voting for Romney, will I
not be sending a signal to the GOP establishment which always gives us
this sort of candidate of late, that I will go along while holding my
nose? Again, yes. It is time to stop the partying. We have been too
long at the fair. And perhaps the
also. This leaves me with a write-in under the electoral college rules
in Maine where Obama is so far ahead of Romney that my single vote or
thousands just like me matter not at all, because our vote is not added
to the vote nationwide as it would in the usual form of general
election. Essentially the GOP has managed to disenfranchise us. This
Independent resents it and will no longer consent to any such thing as
the lesser evil. I am voting my conscience. Before I leave this portion
of my column, I state for the record that Romney acquitted himself
admirably when grilled by the media in
re his response to the administration's early inexcusable,
deplorable one about the mayhem and planned execution of our
in Libya and the assault on the embassy in Egypt. The press and company
did not know that an open mike was nearby, and while waiting for Romney
to appear for the press conference, some of them got together and
orchestrated their responses to his; blatant bias to paint him in a
corner so that whatever he answered he would be depicted in a bad
light. I know people who honestly do not believe the major media to be
corrupt, but if this does not convince them, nothing will, save a
command from God Himself, if at that. Their blindness is self-willed at
this point, whatever their motives as individual citizens. Romney came
across as a man of conviction and strength, acting more presidential
than our President who went to Vegas to campaign of all things absurd,
but so Baraccian. However, just when I think
I see the man who is Romney, he escapes me supra.
Now for the matter of the polls before I conclude. One of my college
majors was in public administration [the other being philosophy]; we
had courses in statistics, sampling and polling. The polls are used
in two ways. The first is the more traditionally recognized one of
sampling the population to discover trends in thought, attitudes and or
behavior, and the intensity. If the goal is the outcome of an election
there are two ways to sample, likely voters and those registered to
vote, not always mutually inclusive. Generally speaking likely voters
have more intensity, not unexpected. The sample ought to be
representative of the population as much as possible, so that the
percentage of Independents, Democrats and Republicans, one example, are
proportionate. The other reason for polling is to effect an outcome or
create a bandwagon effect, so the poll is rigged in some way, that is
deliberately weighting the poll to favor a party, for instance. This is
because human psychology tells us without any doubt that most people
prefer to be on the winning side and will change their allegiance if
they think it is useless to back a candidate who appears to be losing.
We know that some of the current pollsters are doing exactly this, over
sampling Democrats. Thus, the larger spread in favor of
President Obama
is suspect. The more honest polls still give Obama a slight edge of a
point or two in some battleground states. These are most likely
accurate, which brings us back to Laura Ingraham's opinion about the
GOP's efforts which include Romney handlers, advisors and his own
insider membership which bears influence on his approach. A part of
this is political naiveté, despite all his experience. Of course
to give him credit, it almost does not matter because the major media,
still powerful with all too many Americans, by my own recent internal
polling, is in the tank for Obama, period!
But why the clouding of the mind so widespread? People want to talk the
economy almost exclusively, the Tea Party wants to talk the
economy almost exclusively. The only one who appears reluctant to do so
is Obama, whose record in this matter speaks for itself and does not
favor him at all. This is ironic when you think that if it weren't for
the spending mistakes of Bush and related economic realities Obama
would not have won the election even with all the race baiting on his
part and the ineptness of the GOP. Obama took swift advantage of the
economic decline. Now he wants us to look the other way, as if to have
it both ways.
Almost no one is interested anymore in what God thinks or wants as
expressed though the natural law. We have waived any grace we might
have merited a generation or more ago. The barbarity, the very
enormity of the abortion culture, the millions of slaughtered babies
has earned us the anger of God because there was simply no excuse for
the endurance of Roe v Wade at all. Because we prefer abortion to the
social battle it takes to rid it from our land, God is punishing us
through that which we care most about, not the natural law surely, but
our wallets. The failures of politics in this regard are merely the
proximate means of God's chastisement. Ultimately He is allowing us to
continue in our blindness so that no matter what we do, it is too
little too late. We are no longer on our knees in obedience to Him as
King over every nation, as the Supreme Law-giver. So He is bringing us
to our knees our way through the economy. Do you not see, my dear
people, that until we once more enshrine the sanctity of life from
conception to natural death through the law in recognition of the
supremacy of the natural law over all man-made law, will there be an
upturn worth the noting for any length of time?
Unfortunately, ever so sadly, most of us no longer want to know this
anymore. This is our fault. When people are resistant to the truth,
they elect either charlatans who harbor tyrannical schemes in their
hearts, or well-intended bunglers and or those who do not have the
light of Christ with conviction enough to act upon it and select those
who do also to assist him or her. We had our chance with Michele
Bachmann and Rick Santorum, but the GOP made sure that would not be
possible with their behind the scenes finagling in IOWA and elsewhere.
And we the people consented. Time for another party .... if this, too,
is not too late ....
Obama speaks of the Arab spring; more like the winter of the West, in
particular the US. In the timeline of human events it is past
autumn, it is literally the twilight, the eve before the dead of
winter. It is not surprising that the infidel Muslim is on the rise; as
heretical as he is as an abomination as he is in his blasphemy, he is
at least certain in his convictions and is not afraid to act upon them.
The Muslim world does not endorse and provide abortion and all its
attendant ills, whatever kind of other murder its more radical elements
promote and accomplish. So, ironically God is allowing the Muslim
ascendancy to be another instrument of our decline and fall ...
The Contrary Spirit of Man Indifferent to the Rights of God
Filed by Pauly Fongemie, June 28, 2012
IN HIS EXPOSITION for this great Feast, Abbot Gueranger in THE LITURGICAL YEAR,
instructs us:
"It would almost seem as though Christ had wished to prove the strength
of the foundations He had laid, by thus permitting Hell to direct
against the Church a simultaneous assault of all the errors to which
the world then was, or ever would become, a prey. Simon the magician,
already ensnared by Satan in the nets of the occult sciences, was
chosen by the prince of darkness as his lieutenant in the enterprise.
Unmasked at Samaria by the Vicar of the Man-God, he had begun against
Simon Peter a jealous struggle that would by no means end with the
tragic death of the father of heresies, but which in the following
century was to be continued more desperately than ever, through
disciples formed by him. Saturninus, Basilides, Valentine, all applied
the premises of the master, diversifying them, according to the
instincts bred at the time, by existing forms of corruption of mind and
Those four evildoers are long since dead, but their malodorous spirit,
the seed bed of the cunning which confounds so many---the less wicked
and the good
alike---is afflicting us once more today, not only in the
erroneous "spirit" of
Vatican II within the Church, but throughout society. Only this time,
it is not Christ "wishing to prove the strength" of the Church, but His
chastisement for the principal
errors of our day: religious indifferentism [essentially the American
spirit, which places all religions, including the only true, valid one
that actually saves, on the same level and with the same rights
defined by the government and
inalienable after all], the denial of
the Social Reign of Christ's Kingship
over all matters [a type of blasphemy], not only in Heaven
but on earth; the
rise of Sodom in all its fury---elevated to possessing inalienable
"rights", a sure sign
of a nation in supersonic dissolution; and the twin
abominations of contraception and abortion on a vast scale never before
witnessed in all of history.
This column will be mostly focused on the US Supreme Court,
specifically Chief Justice Roberts, a nominal Catholic objectively
speaking. When he appeared before the Senate Judiciary committee, I
in a column, THE NATURAL LAW VANISHED WITHOUT A TRACE, October 5, 2005,
that he was on record asserting: "My
faith and my religious beliefs do not play a role, 'added Roberts, who
is Catholic.' I will be my own man.'' At the very instant he conceived
this idea, before he even uttered it, he was no longer his own man, but
the possession of the Prince of this world and his principalities which
are legion. One characteristic of the plenitude of power that goes by
the biblical name of legion---that of the underworld Overlord---is
fracturing, the multiplication of evil through the banal and those
things that superficially seem trite or unimportant, causing the crass
conformity of compromise on that which is not to be touched as their
nature is inviolate as designed by God. In other words,
the contankerous, clouded, disordered mind
of the non serviam save oneself and Mammon.
At that time there were no
conservative voices who raised any objections, probably they had
rationalized their way into thinking cross-grained, unless they, too,
been converted to religious indifferentism, where all faiths are equal
and only away from the public square, the core of the American spirit.
I was the lone town crier, as far as I know. And this included
Catholics that I have contact with. How easily one simple sentence
which can reveal what many a treatise often conceals can slip pass
unnoticed by those prepared to only see what they hope for. Unmitigated
liars and schemers actually do not have to rely much on ingenuity, the
popular will is already disposed to being deceived. We only have to
look at history, the case of Noah, his ark, and those who resisted his
warning as too dire and unrealistic, unthinkable, and so perished. Man,
fallen in nature with Original Sin, is ever ready to believe a fable,
the more unbelievable by the standard of logic and human experience,
the better. When
coupled with a loss of grace through betrayal of those essential things
that must remain as given by the Divine Lawmaker, the tendency is
magnified. "
For there shall be a
time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their
own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching
ears: And
will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned
unto fables." [2 Timothy 4:4]
Even as I pen these words there will likely be those
conservatives who will rush to find a plausible understanding, sheer
madness, given the scope of the hoax perpetrated earlier today. I am
speculating because I have neither the heart nor fortitude to turn on
the news, having shut it off this morning. It is solitude I need
most today. In all the turmoil and dismay, the utter sickness of heart,
I praise and thank Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost more than
ever and await Them, Three Divine Pesons in one Godhead, and their
perfect will. Thus, the sunflower [
in the graphics: this glorious flower
is the symbol of submission to the will of God, ever beseeching Him for
another answer at some future time, if that be part of His Divine
Providence, which we cannot know with certainty at any given time, ever
fleeting. For now, as I wrote in
PRINCIPLE FOR POLITICS: The Republican Campaign to
Re-elect Obama, this past spring
"Let us resolve, here
and now ... to rise to the occasion, the merciful
hand of God extended for one shining moment, rather than fall sway to
the false blandishments of the
so-called 'prevailing wisdom.' The Republic is on the precipice, Pat
Buchanan's 'Day of Reckoning', it is now or never; let us get down on
our knees in reparation for those apostate Catholics, some 54%,
who voted for Obama, and for our own faults as citizens and Catholics,
begging the mercy of God, that we might become worthy ... If
spurn this last, second chance, then almighty God has already spoken,
for He will be delivering us up to the mystery of iniquity ..." That
merciful hand is the sure knowledge that He has answered our
prayers and that answer for the time being is no, a retribution,
not to mock us, for God Who is not mocked, does not mock, but rather to
teach us, for our own good. Naiveté may be appealing to some,
but all in all it is a most unattractive trait in an adult with serious
responsibilities and duties. Let us leave the mocking to the Judas
goats disguised as sheep among us, and turn to our Divine Shepherd.
Later I would make
observation "... recall
that Roberts and Alito
were suspect on
this basis alone and real fear existed about a monopoly of Catholics on
the court." I posited that I believed strongly that a back room deal
was struck at the
time, [even if subtly nuanced], "because
of the Cheshire catlike
grin on Charles Schumer's face when
leaving his office with Roberts. Smug did not begin to describe
Schumer is one
very shrewd cat indeed. I have never known him to back down from the
attack unless he has prevailed, by hook or by crook. The
curious 'dance' of the hearings was like a courtship for an arranged
marriage. There
will be no need for this dog and pony show with Sotomayor, and everyone
knows it, although I am the only one who is saying so. The Cheshire cat
is out of the bag, if I may put it like this." [LEVIATHAN RISING, Part
2, July 16, 2009] Emphasis in bold and text in brackets not in the
original monograph.
At the time certain "conservatives" who will remain unnamed by me, for
it is not my purpose to embarrass them further, were enrapt
in psalmody with praises for Justice Roberts, jubilant, hailing his
approval as a feat for Bush, a supposed further argument for why they
had been right all along about how critical it was to vote Bush in,
because "he is our man, he will appoint the right kind of justices." Uh
huh and then some. Shades of Reagan and Bush the elder. My
pointing out that the majority of the
non-originalist justices now serving on the Court were appointed by
Republican presidents, was like talking to a mass of impenetrable
boulders poised to form a lethal landslide, of course. And as we now
know with unvarnished realism that an "originalist" justice is no
guarantee at all. How vain is man, filled with his own conceit and
wisdom, and not the wisdom offered by God, that he readily deceives
himself and those who place their trust in him, not Him.
Whenever a judge says in earnest that "he will be his own man", that
that "his religion will have no role," one can be assured of only
thing, that he no longer subscribes to the natural law, a part of the
Catholic religion, surely, but also a part of the human condition by
force of metaphysical necessity, although modern man has chosen to
feign it no longer exists or matters, if it does. A denial of the
innate dignity of man and the denial of all reason itself! It is our
bulwark against the ruthless, our redoubt when confused or uncertain,
the very fortress of the family and all civility itself. This is why
those who are so shrill and incessant in calling for "civility" in
public discourse are the very same ones who most egregiously violate
their own standards---all of them no longer subscribe to the natural
law, except pro forma, in
name only and only when constrained to do so.
Now, it is the first rule of the first law of man in the natural
sphere---the natural law---that any law that conflicts or violates
the natural law is null and void on its face and must be rejected,
resisted and repealed [by those who have the authority in the case of
the last].
Roberts, who is the Chief Justice,
had not enough clout in two majority
opinions that kept Roe v Wade
alive and kicking for all practical purposes, except for the
millions of small babies, who are no longer alive and kicking, the
forgotten in unmarked graves amid all our triumphant, vainglorious
platitudes about rights, rather than sending Roe v Wade to the same pit of
condemnation containing previous
illegitimate Court decisions. Five
"Catholics" on the Court and not enough who acknowledge and pay due
respect to the natural law mandate that is encumbent on us all as free
men created by God in His image and likeness.
Such disgrace, the abandonment of one's imperative duty, the upholding
of the natural
law that forbids all willful
murder of the innocent [and guilty also], one of the four sins
crying out for vengeance from Him [the others being the
sin of Sodom; oppression of the poor---such as enabling them to be
dependent and not self-reliant whenever possible means exist, demeaning
them through class warfare by way of using them as wedges and or
pawns; and defrauding laborers of their just
wages] brought down the rightful, terrifying
anger of Almighty God on us who elected the cretins who gave us such
[in]justices. Renaming a crime that is willful murder does not negate
the punishment due before the seat of justice in Heaven. Ignoring our
sinful error only compounds our guilt---"it is less the crime than the
cover-up." There is a time for war and a time for peace; and there
is a time for God's mercy which is always merciful and a time for His
justice, which is always just. We will
to be insensible to our arrogantly devised ruse that
we can defy the natural law and its unceasing mandates for civilized
society worthy of the name, so He is leaving us where we have put
ourselves so recklessly, so shamefully. Now the blind lead the blind
all the way to our well deserved Armageddon. The decision on Obamacare,
to use the colloquial term, was led, and crafted by Roberts, the other
three originalists, Scalia, Alito and Thomas, joined by Kennedy,
dissenting. These
at least recognize momentarily the purpose of the use of reason here,
how to judge with prudence, to judge justly.
As to the matter of an
untended consequence of the effective banishment of the natural law,
those with power seek more of it to the extent that if they are
justices, they rewrite the law, rather than applying it as it is
written. This is tyranny---by any other name, still tyranny. If you
me, revisit the eminent
domain case that defies all constitutional precedent and reason.
Eminent domain according to the majority of the Court is now defined as
the right of a business owner to take private property so that the
locale has a better tax base, the power to tax ginned up then; now,
since Thursday, June 28, 2012, it is on steroids, to use the phrase. We
are no longer
free, in essence, all constitutional grants aside.
The rationale on taxation
by Roberts is gobbledy-gook, convoluted and
basis, simply because the bill never used the term "taxation". Obama
insisted it was not a
Apparently even the majority of the Court was not open to taking our
rogue regime at face value, impishly ironic, which only serves to serve
those who are not observant of normalcy, common sense, and right
reason. Rogue "justice." While the majority rightly concluded that the
Obama health insurance
mandate did not comply with the commerce clause, that the government
could not force a person to participate in a commercial transaction,
yet, perversely, devilishly, as if sworn bound to contrariness, Roberts
decided that if the mandate was
changed to a tax, why that changed reality. Sort of like saying, if not
perfectly comparable, that
the Holy Mass is no longer a bloodless
of the Sacrifice on Calvary, but a representation,
two distinct entities that sound almost alike but have different
meanings, leading the unwary into unbelief and disastrous practice.
Taxing a person who does
not purchase what the government mandates is still a forced commercial
venture, one that favors the government and the insurance companies,
in some cases, perhaps, and it is still a penalty for failure to comply
or agree to a
specific commercial purchase. Taxes have always been added to
transactions or possessions, not a refusal to participate. If I do not
purchase a bedroom set I pay no sales taxes. If I do not own a home or
rent one in lieu of ownership, I am not liable for property taxes. Even
tolls and user fees, a form of levy, are constituted from a public
good, a real service that is supplied by the assessor to a real individual, the
one being levied. The full impact of this fake "tax" is
manifestly unfair, as well as making precedent with far-reaching
consequences for further governmental intrusion and crushing power,
because it forces
the healthy to pay for those who
through their own fault are unhealthy.
The insurance companies understand risk and will reconfigure the costs
accordingly, passed on to those least able to bear the burden, simply
they are the majority in raw number. Bogus reasoning, a pure fraud.
Reading the opinion, I was reminded of the cant of the partisans of
error favoring the side of King Henry VIII adverse to the eloquence
and righteousness of the reasoning of Thomas
More, who went on to become a Saint, keeping his mind and conscience
intact while losing his head, unlike those opposed to him. They have not only lost
their heads, but their very
credibility, surrendering the respect normally owed the Court. It
is actually insulting to think they think we cannot think at all!
was persuaded by the lies and distortions, the legerdemain of the
Obamarites who addressed the Court in oral arguments. So much for his
vaunted intellect. We knew the
"liberals" would be charmed by the snake master, naturally enough,
despite the rigorous questioning by some of them, all window dressing
to mask a rubber stamp alliance and to convince themselves, if not the
more prescient of us, they were
acting like true justices. This is what I mean by blindness,
willful blindness. Roberts officially denied Christ and His right to
reign in civil matters when he groveled before
Judiciary committee because
of ambition. God
has left him without the most elementary shard
of reasoning, allowing him to wallow soul-deep in his self-imposed
iniquity and darkened mind as his ambition of reputation scatters
like drybrush under the blazing sun, amid
the storm clouds gathering ahead in dead reckoning in unrelenting
irony: Soiling himself in his reach for the honors bestowed by lawless
men who actually despise him.
A woman I know objected to my portrayal of events surrounding Roberts'
nomination to the Court, saying to me that in
her opinion Roberts "had no choice, if we want a conservative on the
Court." A liberal response from one who fancies herself different from
the liberals she says she opposes, instead being an appeaser and
herself, judging from her reply. My response was that we have been
doing this for ever and a day and the results: we end up with the same
old folderol of dishonesty bred from the initial lie. The so-designated
"conservative" once compromised, willingly, is now weakened and further
inclined to keep going along to get along, etc. I mean, if he "has to
lie" to get there, certainly he will continue to lie to stay there,
human nature 101.
the rest of us, who are subjects of the worst sort of tyranny, that of
the runaway train of the law of lawlessness under the name of the law.
Yet we are not without blame ourselves, the we meaning we as a culture and society, exempting
those among us who have never stopped fighting the good fight, whatever
the personal cost and sacrifice. To the extent that I could have done
more, I include myself among the guilty. I do not necessarily mean to
include everyone or anyone reading this column.
Rush Limbaugh was right once again. Yesterday he said that whatever the
decision there was going to be "a mess". Indeed!!! He may not be a
Catholic [as yet], but he thinks more clearly on many issues than many
a Catholic in public life and a good number in private.
Look at all the sound and fury, all the hype and waste of words and
time on speculation about the outcome of the Supremes. No such efforts
on behalf of all those babies slaughtered day after day. We, too, are
guilty. The Congress, the House at least, with GOPers in control have
done almost nothing pro-life that was meaningful other than symbolic,
for it has concentrated on "late-term" abortions and nothing else. As I
said before, "guts for gas but no pluck for the preborn." [THE ANTHONY
MURDER VERDICT, July 7, 2011] Three guesses how far they will manage
the purported "repeal" even though some are sincere, caring,
determined, dedicated, and have earned our esteem, such as Rep. Michele
Bachmann of Minnesota and Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, to name just
two, who happen to be my favorites.
We only have to go back to the revealed decision in the Arizona
Immigration bill of three days before, wherein Scalia demonstrated that
he has some ability left
to reason as one of the dissenting justices. His dissent was scathing,
withering and frank as only candor calls for, just as in the Obamacare
dissenting opinion. A man who "manned up". Refreshing. However, the
gave us a truly malicious, moronic opinion. Arizona has the right to
ask for citizenship ID under reasonable suspicion, and to turn anyone
not in compliance over to the federales.
Then, inexplicably,
the Court ruled that immigration
policy is federal
domain. Sure it is, legally, but that is the problem. The Congress has
not legally changed current law as is their purview, but the Obama
administration is refusing to enforce the law as it was intended,
unilaterally, by fiat. So this means, realistically, that Arizona is in
its own double jeopardy. Right back to square one. Any victory for the
Arizona law is fast disappearing vapor, leaving a long-lasting stench
in its trail. Scalia understands the full implication. He used
dissimilar words than I have, but this is the gist of his opinion.
use an analogy. The local police have charge over the return of stolen
property and the capture of said felons who commit this crime. Let us
say that our constable, for whatever reason of his own, decided
that he is opposed to some of the law relating to theft. After repeated
pleas he still refuses to look for thieves who steal less than a
thousand dollars worth of goods at any one time. So the local
residents, being robbed blind, at nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars
a clip, clip
after clip, take matters into their own hands and begin a
neighborhood policing effort, always beholden to the just strictures of
natural law. They carry no weapons, for their purpose is to identify
and as a group stop the criminal, not kill him just because they may
have the power to in their hands. The governor, alarmed by this, and
having an agenda,
hoping to win the next election by courting felons whom he suspects
will be cheating to vote under a lax system, sues the citizens before
the state supreme court; the court rules in favor of the felons and the
governor, mindless of the peril to the honest, law-abiding citizens,
deliberately so one may reasonably conclude.
Without any defense, not even the necessity defense.
Would not anyone,
with a sliver of reasoning still remaining, rise up in
outrage and call this charade for what it was? But, yes. Well,
essentially, this is what happened with the Arizona decision. When that
occurred, while I was still hoping and praying that the mandate would
at at least be overturned, deep in my heart, I suspected that the same
vicious nonsense would continue in the Obamacare case. A natural
trajectory of godless illogic, so logical in its own perfidious way.
I am always willing to give the devil his due. And I said to myself,
daring not to voice it out loud, so dreading it was I, "if this
look for Roberts to be the culprit---the proverbial guilty as sin." For
days I was so grief-stricken with foreboding, that I was physically ill
to the point of almost being incapacitated. Meanwhile the
pundits all overlooked the supernatural aspect and the absolute, abject
descent of our culture into base amorality, not only immorality and
indecency, also
expected. I would have been taken by surprise if matters turned out
otherwise. I say this, not as a cynic, but as a realistic Catholic with
her nose to
the ground of the socio-political morass we have forged in our
unseeing, unseeming barbarity and irrationality. Human nature does not
change, no matter
how much we might act as if it has, and neither have the ends ceased to
follow unwise and or evil means.
This is an analysis from a
religious perspective because ultimately we are dealing with spiritual
decay, the fish rotting from the head first, in our case from the soul
first and foremost. I once more implore those of you who are
militantly, unapologetically Catholic:
us exhort our bishops and Rome for the complete restoration of
the Traditional Mass as the ordinary, normative Mass, the restoration
of the Sacred Womb; then, and only then, will God hear our prayers to
end abortion, restoring the human womb; and then, only then will He
hear our imprecations for the restoration of the Republic, based on the
natural law, which is society's participation in the Divine Law,
Supreme, over all.
the meantime, is anyone within the sound of my voice open to the idea
of judicial impeachment?
Article Three
of the United States Constitution establishes the judicial branch of
the federal government. The judicial branch comprises the Supreme Court
of the United States along with lower federal courts established
pursuant to legislation by Congress.
Section 1. The judicial Power of the United States,
shall be
vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the
Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both
of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during
good Behavior ...
Could not a reasonable person say in all honesty that good
behavior includes restraining from rewriting the law from the bench,
but only interpreting it according to the actual intent and meaning of
Constitution and the lawmakers, who are not the Courts but the Congress?
I would gladly serve at the side of one more capable than I
am in such an endeavor, but he or she will find me an intrepid soldier,
not easily daunted. We need a new definition for "Roberts' rules of
order", pun intended, in this case disorder in the Court.
Today is another historical day of infamy!
I apologize for nothing that I have written because if there
was ever a time for plain talk, surely this is it. However, I do
apologize for my inartful employment of the analogy regarding the Mass.
While I did stipulate that the comparison was not exact to the Court
decision, the parallel should have read that in the case of the
redefinition of the Mass by using what superficially look like almost
identical terms led to distinctly different beliefs and practice, but
in the Court decision on taxation versus a mandate, dissimilar terms
were employed to effect the same outcome, the two situations like
polar opposites, with the same use of cunning inversion, the irony is
stunning. I also inadvertently left off the "ing" in "interpret" above,
it should have read interpreting, proper grammar, it is now fixed.
I repeat, I apologize for nothing I have said so directly. I never
implied that the idea of a tax originated with Justice Roberts; in fact
I indicated that the idea arose in the Obama camp and was
rubber-stamped by the four known liberals. Although we know that John
Roberts sided with the constitutionalists on the Court in the
beginning, this
alters nothing. It is not how one begins that matters, but how one
finishes that counts. The betrayal of Justice Roberts is even more
egregious because he took a hand in the original majority opinion that
would have wiped out the mandate provision and knew the sound
jurisprudence behind it.
As I wrote above, about his ambition for his reputation as
chief jurist, "... his
iniquity and darkened mind as his ambition of reputation scatters
like drybrush under the blazing sun, amid
the storm clouds gathering ahead in dead reckoning in unrelenting
irony: Soiling himself in his reach for the honors bestowed by lawless
men who actually despise him." So he somehow convinced himself,
rationalizing naturally enough, that he could turn Quisling strictly
for political reasons, forsaking the tradition and the once conventional wisdom that a
lifetime appointment would forestall such political machinations. Dead
wrong. This is partially what I included in the name I gave
Roberts' actions, a fraud.
As for his
taking the lead, I stand by that phrase and all that it implies, for
the simple reason that as Chief Justice he took the lead in writing the
final majority opinion and it was his idea and his alone to turn tail
and make a run for glory.
Those of you who may be inclined to detest the man are are
also dead wrong. We may well hate his actions, but we must forgive him
even if the far-reaching implications are death panels tantamount to
cold-blooded murder as in the 135,000 put to death annually under
Britain's government-run albatross, mistitled, health care. No, we must
love John Roberts, for in the coming days he will realize the magnitude
of his treason and be a pitiful soul and who will be there that
truly love him, save a few new "friends" and his family, which I am
certain he loves dearly more than anything else on earth. Who will
there be to pray for him? Let us not taint ourselves with the malice of
hate, unbecoming a Christian, but storm Heaven on his behalf. It is
easy to love those who are always so loveable, but of what merit? Let
us seek to love unselfishly those who carry the stain of reproach,
mindful that we, too are woeful sinners.
As for human respect and the honors of the world, it is all
vainglory, all folly, a variant of damnable pride that leads to the
worst kinds of falls, the higher the position, the faster the rise, the
swifter the defluxion, the lower the fall.
Mark these words, take them to heart, remember them as if
your salvation depends on them, for it just might at that:
The glorys and accolades of this world die when the world
dies; but the tragedy of such ill grandeur, its disrepute and
distortion, its utter hideousness, endures in Hell, forever and ever,
without end ....
Mitt the
Moonshiner: Sophistry and
May 19, 2012
A breaking news article from CNS, written by Patrick
exposes the real Mitt Romney:
Couples ‘Have the Right’ to Adopt Children -- But Not Marry."
"I also know many
gay couples
are able to adopt children. That’s fine,"
Romney said during a recent interview with Fox News'
Neil Cavuto. "But my
preference is that we
encourage the
marriage of a man and a woman." [Emphasis in bold and italics added by
He forgot to add that one of his major policy players is an avowed
homosexual activist, but then that would be a bit of overkill since the
above illogical stance is already damning enough on its own. Also note
that he employs the political jargon of the left, "gay".
Just as moonshine is illicitly distilled liquor, Romney's reasoning is
illegitimately extracted from faulty premises in that it does not
comport with human nature,
human reason and common sense:
The inclination to same-sex attraction is a grave disorder, a
corruption of human nature, the acting out of which violates in a
grievous manner the natural law, especially when proclaimed as if
normal and righteous, so much so that God has told us that
the vice of sodomy is one of the four sins crying out for His
vengeance. Those persons hardened in this affliction, whatever
compassion they merit from us, are also entitled to the truth, one
aspect of which is that such persons do not possess the proper
attributes to undertake parenting. The affliction of homosexual
attraction affects more than the base appetites, bad enough as this is,
but the whole person,
thus the term grave disorder. Raising children is nothing less than an
ardent profession of self-sacrifice by mature adults. Two of the well
known but
media-suppressed facts about the disorder is the self-absorption and
narcissistic tendencies that adhere in the affliction, with a focus on
victimhood above that which ought to conform with reality, that is, an
internalized immaturity that predisposes one to emotional dysfunction.
It is no mystery that persons with this affliction undergo higher rates
of alcoholism, drug use and other disruptive and or self-destructive
behaviors. Now, we all
know, perhaps, an exception here and there, which only serves to verify
the rule about the disorder. In other words, a level of emotional
immaturity that stems from a faulty development in the formative years
of the homosexually tempted man or woman. Public policy can not be
based on the exception, by definition. Furthermore, any person claiming
such a right is already displaying his inability to be a proper parent
because he has just declared that he no longer recognizes the natural
law at the very least. Or if he does, he is the supreme judge of that
law, and not the lawgiver, which is Almighty God, thereby providing the
evidence of his narcissism.
By what right can anyone who
has a grasp of the implications of the vice itself decide to confer
a "right" to adopt, while denying the right to marry? Marriage is for
the begetting of children, the rearing of a family in obedience to the
natural law and the Divine law. It is only in marriage that couples
the moral right to beget children. Single men and women who are not
deviant may adopt children who otherwise might not find a family, but
this is like comparing apples to oranges. They are adopting, not
begetting and they suffer no such disorder as we have just described.
And they have a probability of
marrying and the necessary attributes
for marriage in the future. They have not violated the natural
law in
so doing.
It is as nonsensical to say that
heterosexual couples have the
right to
bear children outside of
marriage. Now, they may do so, in fact, often choose to do so, but this
is sinning, one that it is not possible for authorities to regulate
without further injustice; this being said, the fact that couples
transgress the moral law
in this way does not confer a right in of its own; it merely is a state
of affairs that is regrettable, unduly corrupting of the children and
to be discouraged when possible. But it can never be held to be
right. Ergo, the same
those with homosexual attractions and "lifestyles." Romney appears to
have imbibed of too much nice guy, middle-of-the road swill, evincing
not only a profound ignorance, but a willingness to compromise on that
which may never be compromised under the natural law. He is unsuitable
for public office as is our current President. No one, not even the
President of the United States has a right to abrogate that which is
immutable under the Divine and natural law, the first law of all law.
Look at it from another perspective: Romney, the family man, thinks it
is normal and or okay for two men or two women behaving in a manner
that grievously violates the natural and Divine law, yet possessing
a so-called "right" to adopt. Well then, if they are this suitable, for
the rearing of children, the most vulnerable among us, pray tell, why
not confer along with this "right" another bogus right and permit
marriage? He simply cannot have it both ways and the sodomite clan
knows this all too well and will exploit it for its own advance as all
Philistines and social malcontents do. Romney has gained nothing and
surrendered everything, rash, untenable and ill-conceived, whatever his
motive may be.
I am assuming that Romney is assuming that we won't pay close attention
to his actual words and not focus on hs choice of the word,
preference -- as if a mere choice
about matters that are morally indifferent. I prefer spinach to kale,
orange flowers over that of pink, and one restaurant rather than
another for fine dining in our locale. So what? My preferences do not
bear on the public good and the moral law. I don't even require any
logic for my preferences since these are subjectively established by
their very nature of being itself and are not functions of rationality.
There is no right and wrong involved at all. With the natural and
Divine law, which every man is subject to, whether he is willing to
acknowledge this or not, preferences
not morally equivalent options. There is an objective
right and wrong, the ignoring
or dismissal of such brings ruin to society as history attests. We may
have to tolerate lame-brained liberals in our midst who think they are
above the natural and Divine law, but surely we need not promote them
as worthy for public office. As a matter of conscientious duty we have
a moral obligation to see that they are not installed with the public
That people who comment and influence public policy have not pointed
these salient facts out serves to demonstrate how degenerate our
society has become, to our everlasting shame, one of the great
sophistries of our time being that the only shame is in laying name to
actual shame, the deeds that rightfully belong hidden in the dark,
lest any innocent be led astray and thus debased.
As a Maine resident, even if I could find a way to hold my nose and
vote for Romney, it would be a waste of my vote, not to mention my
conscience because Maine is so solidly Obama country. The electoral
college determines the outcome -- there is no popular election as such.
All Romney votes will be swallowed up by the morass of liberalism that
has a stranglehold on our political will. If the vote were close,
perhaps someone with a false sense of duty could try to make the case
for Romney. However, the reality is that in Maine there is no such
thing as a close presidential race.
I will be writing in Michele Bachmann's and Rick Santorum's names for
President and Vice-President, with gratitude that such good Americans
exist and have sacrificed so much for America.
May 3, 2011,
This column is neither to decry or applaud the killing of OBL in
Pakistan this week after nine and a half years of intelligence work.
There are those who say it was unconstitutional because he was a
"civilian" and that the President ordered his death. Others rejoice
because he was a mass murderer. I can never rejoice at the death of
anyone, no matter how despicable his deeds, especially if
objectively, a person would not be
harsh in observing that he may have gone to Hell.
both a nominal Catholic and a fervent Protestant in the public eye
stated unequivocally that he "went to Hell." We simply cannot know as
this is the purview of God alone. In its public judgments the Church
has only been given the power under special circumstances to declare
who is in Heaven, not Hell.
As to OBL being a "civilian", this is a matter of perspective. One of
the tenets of Islam is the Jihad or so-called Holy War against the
infidel, meaning non-Moslems. His Muslim "brothers" in this effort
referred to him as a "Holy Warrior". This is good enough for me. If one
must wear a specific uniform under a specific formal entity such as a
country to be considered a non-civilian, then certainly we have already
lost the war permanently because we could never act against any of
these Islamic murderers. Al-Quaeda is not a country, it is not even a
place, it is one embodiment of Jihadists. If they consider
warriors, ought we not also? The just war and its undertaking must be
conducted with prudence, not stupidity and denial.
And as to the direct order to kill Osama, as I understand it, he
given the option to surrender but declined, and in any event the
situation appeared so dangerous to the Special Ops team that killing
him was the only sane thing to do when he refused. This is not the same
thing as an ordered contract on Osama's life. Under the just war
prerequisites it seems to me that his killing was justified, especially
since the troops did their best to protect civilians, meaning the
non-terrorists, in other words they recognized there was a difference.
In his address to the nation on Sunday, President Obama said that "we
are not at war with Islam". This statement either reveals an unhealthy
naiveté or willing blindness. The President distinguished
radical Islamists and the general Moslem people. Now, of course, most
Moslems in all likelihood do not subscribe to the Osama way, although
the Obama way serves the purpose of Islam proper, which is the
conversion and domination of infidels, either and or both, period, the
means being attrition and taking advantage of our weakness as a
secularized nation comfortable enough with widespread legal abortion to
continue its practice, unwary of the loss of grace and His special
What Osama knew well, Obama has yet to learn. Islam, itself, is
at war with us, whatever its means.
No better example of its triumph thus far is better seen than in what
transpired this very week and what has being going on for quite some
time. I refer to the disposal of the remains of Osama and the
preparations for the same. His body was provided a Moslem send-off, if
you will, complete with the washing of the body, its proper draping in
cloth and a Moslem prayer for his soul.
Contrast this reality: [1] His many victims were not given this much
consideration in most cases, Moslem and non-Moslem. But even more,
consider this:
[2] US government policy dictates that Christian---both Catholic and
Protestant---servicemen cannot have a prayer said by a US chaplain that
mentions Jesus Christ, so PC or post-Christ is this country actually
now, despite the slogans and rhetoric.
Consider this: why is it that Christ is banned but not Allah?
The war against Christ is fought on two fields of engagement, here at
home by our supposed own and without by the Moslem "brotherhood" and
all its cadres here and abroad.
For now Osama's troops are ahead by any count.
I neither rejoice nor relent.
We are at war with Islam, because Islam is at war with us. I speak less
about the war with violence but the war with intimidation, a very real
war, a more nefarious, insidious war because of its very means. Heaven
help us, we no longer seem to be able to help ourselves in a widespread
effective manner. The Islamist Jihadists may be killing the innocent in
their bloodlust, at least they are not murdering the most innocent of
all---the preborn child in the womb! As tormented as the souls of these
devils may be, at least they believe it is ordered by their God. We pay
only lip service to ours, the only True, the only God.
It promises to be a protracted conflict for our lifetime ...
October 3
I was not going to comment on the
upcoming mid-term elections, but the sight of so many on the political
right almost frothing at the expectation of a spectacular win a month
from now certainly gave me cause to pause. I have no intention of
disagreeing with their assessment in general, any gains under the
circumstances, have to be counted as a plus
in theory. In fact much of
the credit can be given to the Tea Party movement or, borrowing from
one of their constituent organizations, the TEA PARTY EXPRESS, for it
seems to have picked up enough steam to stay on track going
headlong for years to come, and not to the erstwhile conservatives who
joined the establishment, becoming just an everyday variant of
progressiveness, sometimes referred to as the GOP or Republican party.
Anything that will shakeup those who ought to have known better in the
first place, given what followed in the aftermath of 1994, is to the
good and should be applauded. My arguments are not with the
well-intentioned, dedicated members, regular folks like you and me, as
far as things go. My
arguments are strictly with the zeitgeist or overarching cultural
mandate: that abortion, the slaughter of the most innocent of human
beings and the banishment of the natural law, the first rule of all
positive law, is off the table. This is sheer, utter folly!
Essentially, tragically, the
nihilistic left has won the culture, so much so that Sarah Palin can
say without any sense of shame that she is proud of her daughter's
appearance on a jaded, garish entertainment television show called
"Dancing with the Stars". It is to weep. Our descent into degenerate
circuses began with the first court cases that led to
Roe v Wade, most especially with
the Connecticut suit that established birth control as a right of
privacy. Having sundered the most private of all, the marriage act,
from the natural and supernatural, it was only a matter of time before
abortion would be enshrined in the panoply of expanding rights in
direct violation of our obligations to Almighty God. If life itself is
no longer sacred, if innocence itself is so easily discarded,
everything that has followed is quite predictable given the trajectory
of hellish designs, which follow their own "doctrinal" inferences.
Human persons are created in the likeness and image of God; it is
ungodlike to manipulate that which is holy and ordained by
God---openness to human life in complete trust of Him Who is the
creator of life, Who is Life. Having abased the most private of human
intimacy, having soiled ourselves in an act of defiance, can it
honestly be thought that the rest of the natural law would hold? That
law itself would retain its respectability? The
answer surges up before our eyes. But we turn away, wanting things to
be as we imagine, that we can accept a
détente on abortion and
still expect the grace of God to enable us to perpetuate the myth that
is such an egregious affront to Heaven.
We look for our salvation now, from
men in economic affairs and social arrangements, reserving God for
Sunday and pious holidays, in so many words. Even Sunday, supposedly so
holy to all the Americans who tell pollsters about their deep religious
Christian beliefs, is a day of profanation with shopping a "sacrament"
among other forms of contempt. Our Lady of la Salette had much to say
this blasphemy or sacrilege, with tears in her eyes. We are the
lukewarm that He "will vomit" out of His mouth.
And know it not anymore, if we ever did.
You see, as I am wont to say, but must repeat because it is so
necessary: reason and the natural law are indispensable friends of each
other: banish the one, lose the other. This is why the emotional, the
sentimental, the physical dominate; why we ask "How do you feel?"
rather than "What do you think?" so often, misapprehending that one is
the equivalent for the other.
Rather than be ruled by reason we are
under the tyranny of unreason, that is, irrationality and the
absurd---the pertubation of twisted logic,
literally we have subjected ourselves to insanity. And no more is this
displayed than in the federal courts where "law" is enacted out of
deliberate will, the very hatred of normalcy while we are like
helpless, scattered sheep before the dominion of lawlessness that has
turned everything upside down, with some notable exceptions---the
cities of Sodom and Gomorrah had a few
righteous men. The long "slouch towards Gomorrah" [taking a phrase
from Judge Bork] has reached its terminus in an almost complete embrace
of the unnatural. Sodomy is now accorded rights, even among many who
claim they do not mean to include "marriage". And I am talking about
people who say they are "conservatives" or traditionalists, to be
blunt, such as the woefully misguided Glenn Beck [as I first pointed
out in the very
beginning of the zenith of his public cult] and his adulation of the
occultist Ben
Franklin and the "deist", Thomas Jefferson. This Pied Piper, a lapsed
Catholic, has
not much good to say about Christopher Columbus and altogether too much
good to say about his unholy trinity of faith, hope and charity,
personified by Washington, Franklin and Jefferson.
Nothing that is truly sacred is off
limits, for debate or
rather, I should say, browbeating into eventual submission and
oblivion. A
corollary of this is that the new racism demands that Whites be denied
equal protection of the law at the voting booth, a slight blip on the
radar screen of outrage, then disappearing like a little burp into the
morass of our political landscape. That vile swamp is so viscous that
withholds common sense and justice from our grasp: The latest victim
being a cheerleader who was raped by a football player who admitted his
crime. When he was allowed to return to the team [imagine!] the school
the girl when she refused to salute him, rather than the savage. She
was exiled from the squad, not he! Perverse obeisance to the zeitgeist
is as
overweening as is our pride and lack of normal shame.
Limiting the scope of government will
be daunting to say the very least, like applying a Band-Aid to a
hemorrhaging heart. Cavalier about spurning the natural law, we think
we can pass laws that will have the consequences we intend. The law of
unintended consequences, part of the human condition, is now on
steroids because we do not have the grace of God upon our country
anymore. He awaits out humility, our repentance, still ... there is
only one depot for our runaway trains to end, abruptly---annihilation
of the "American way of life".
I do not know if the elections will
yield the hoped for bonanza of virtuous office holders or not. It is
immaterial. God is chastising us and given our penchant for outsmarting
ourselves, having assumed the rights of God Himself, He will let us
have our way, "deliver us up to our iniquity" by not permitting us to
see clearly enough to prevent the inevitable. That is, until, and only
until we repudiate abortion, strike it from our midst and do penance
for the holocaust of millions of innocent babies who were sacrificed on
the altar of political expediency and the terrifying notion that
mothers have a positive right not to be inconvenienced by their
youngest children, the turning upside down of all that is right and
natural and holy: that mothers make sacrifices
for their children, not
of their children. Some "rights"
are so wrong that the price that is paid is far more costly and ruinous
than any one individual, who accepts such evil, let alone an entire
society, can comprehend.
Look for the law of unintended
consequences to be rife, ready and more than able to cause confoundment
and havoc, what we bargained for unwittingly, because it is what we
Until the Consecration to Russia of
Our Lady's Immaculate Heart is made as explicitly asked for by Our Lady
of Fatima,
will the world begin to be set aright once more and live and legislate
according to the just dictates of the natural law. For now it scarcely
pays lip service to the natural law, embarrassed by the Divine.
Traditionalist Catholics are the
only ones left now to pray and make reparation. Until enough of us
have done so, the chastisement continues.
Why the Consecration to Russia?
Because Our Lady requested it and she requested it because Russia is
original source of the errors of our day, whence the evils of our time
arose. Communism and socialism are habits of the mind and will and
godless, dead souls, of men, courting Hell itself, and not necessarily
any particular country; yet, it is Russia that must be converted first,
that the rest of the world might follow.
The more Our Lady's requests are
scoffed at, the more the mischievous Murphy moves in with his best
aide de camp, the law of unintended
consequences ....
This is my last
column, and I conclude
where I began, arriving full circle years hence with social matters
only becoming less conducive to salvation than before. I am leaving the
web with no regrets. I want to spend more time in prayer and catching
up with good Catholic reading. I want to go back to basics as the
phrase goes, for a more natural way of living, the silence of
simplicity and the simplicity of silence---solitude. Pray for me as I
for you. I believe with all my heart and soul that this is the very
will of God, Whose ways are unsearchable but most compelling,
irresistible ...
The Long Cold March of Modernism or
The Wolves of Winter
August 24, 2010
The little church was silent as the
parishioners entered, genuflected, and knelt down to pray before the
Blessed Sacrament. Holy silence before the Real Presence absent in
Protestant churches, where the congregants have fellowship with each
other in lieu of adoration of Our Lord in the tabernacle. A regular
Sunday morning for those Catholic folks with a simple piety befitting
any believing, practicing parishioner in the House of God.
A few minutes before the beginning of
Mass a roar erupted near the sanctuary as the "late-vocation"
up-to-date priest came through, noting the quiet of hushed prayer. He
was offended that the parishioners were not behaving as Protestants,
crying out, "You know this is a Catholic Church because it is so
silent!" You should not be doing this, you ought to speak to your
neighbor instead." Then a loud "Good Morning!" And more bidding to
leave the tabernacle and commune with others in the pews. Most of the
parishioners complied and a small cacophony welled up to impose itself
devilishly on those who persevered in prayer. The molestation of the
modern spirit continues unabated to enervate what is left of
traditional piety. This ought to have been quite enough for any one
Sunday. Ah, but it was not to be so. Pestilence is relentless.
The priest insisted that every one was
to sing at the top of his lungs the Protestant song---Catholic hymns a
rarity now---something about the table of plenty. Once more, only a few
refrained, would not let the love of human respect conquer them. The
sign of the times, and also an indicator of more to come within a
few minutes. The only altar server---there are no more acolytes---was a
teenage girl, the lone lector a woman. Nothing new under the sun from
the "get used to change" crowd.
At last the dreaded homily as a
foreboding set in based on what transpired just before.
The priest quoted St. Luke 13: 24
about the narrow gate and the need to strive to enter thereby. But
never explained what happened if one
failed. Without the context, that is, the union of this passage
with that of St. Matthew 7: 14, that few there are that find it [and
are saved], it is easy to misapply the meaning in order to serve the
new religion spawned by the "new Mass". Then all Hell broke loose as
the priest announced the many [not the few] Hindus, Buddhists,
Confucians, atheists, Protestants,
Moslems, et al that were
saved and how wrong the Church had been in its previous [actually the
priest is unaware it is by necessity perennial and unchanging] teaching
that there is
no salvation outside of the Church; he added that he did not understand
why the Church had taught as it did. So much for the supposed advantage
of the wisdom of age. He made sure the parishioners knew that they
ought to be ashamed of this dogma. He also entertained the assembly
with a joke heard a hundred times before concerning all the rejoicing
going on in Heaven by every group, still Hindus and Company, except the
dour Catholics who were quiet, thinking they were the only ones there.
No explanation why thinking this led to quietude. Nothing about the
Beatific Vision and
the eternal adoration of the Holy Trinity. Interestingly he separated
the saved by religious
beliefs, not order of sanctity,
sheer prejudice, certainly in order to serve the blasphemous
joke. He also overlooked the reality that if a person who is
justified is saved, an occurrence that Pope Pius IX taught we ought not
consider as something readily [often] hoped for, it is through the
grace of the Catholic Church and not by his false beliefs although in
invincible ignorance. All the heathen's gods are of the devil as the
New Testament tells us. Nothing like context. The real irony, not lost
on every parishioner, thanks be to God, was that even if one starts out
as a Buddhist or Moslem, etc.,
and is saved, when he gets to Heaven he is no longer these but a
Catholic, period. The only human souls in Heaven are Catholics,
notwithstanding that not every original Catholic finds himself saved.
This is the same priest who told the
Mass-goers on the Feast of the Assumption that when you die you will
all be like Mary, assumed into Heaven, or words to that effect.
Purgatory? What is that to him, apparently, let alone the possibility
of Hell.
St. Matthew's dire warning is worth
repeating, in its totality:
ye in at the narrow
gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to
destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is
the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are
that find it! Beware of false
prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they
are ravening wolves. [7:13-15]
July 17, 2010
evening news broadcast by the
Barack Corporation [NBC] is evidence that the network has sunk
to a new low, so much so, that its corporate letters could as easily
stand for
No Balance for Catholics.
The offending segment, an exercise in raw bigotry and obscenity, was a
specious news report on the Church's non-ordination of women. The
reporter equated priestly pederasty, a real crime and loathsome vice,
with what he characterized as another "crime", the ordination of men
only. The tone was barely restrained sarcasm encased in outrage: a
smear job that would make yellow journalism look virtuous. There was no
attempt to present the reason why the Church
cannot, not only
does not, ordain women. The purpose
agitprop, to serve
dissenters and heretics who use "the cause for ordaining women" as a
pretext to destroy the Church. Given the network's total cover-up for
President Obama's socialist agenda and much worse, actually; and the
mockery of normal, ordinary Americans who are waking up to the monster
they put in power in a reckless moment of serendipity about hope and
change, it is not exactly surprising that Friday's display of contempt
for the Mystical Body of Christ was so blatantly biased. NBC has the
resources to do fact checking, send reporters all over the globe in the
pursuit of news. It did not even try; it does not want to know the
truth, for truth is uncharted waters therein and the reason its ratings
are tanking lower than depth of the Dead Sea.
I don't have the same resources that NBC does, fortunately, for
I have
revealed truth in my arsenal of facts. The following is taken from A
Short Catechism on "Women Priests"
by John Vennari in the February 2001 issue of
Catholic Family News. Mr. Vennari's
"catechism" is succinct, clear and completely demolishes the arguments
of those who claim they have a right to ordination:
What is the Church's
teaching on women in the priesthood?
The Church's constant
teaching can be summarized in three points.
1) God Himself determines
who will exercise the function of the priesthood in the public liturgy.
Not even Christ as man takes the honor to Himself, and to the Apostles
He says, "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and have
appointed you." [John 15:16]
2) God chose men both in
the Old and New Testament exclusively for the priesthood.
3) Only men are to
exercise the ministerial priesthood, representing all mankind before
God in things pertaining to God.
Is there any foundation
for woman priesthood in the Old Testament?
There is none. From the
beginning God chose only men to offer sacrifice. Adam, created
before Eve, is the head of Eve and the whole human race. He is the
first official priest through the primacy of his creation to offer
sacrifice to God. It is also through Adam that sin was passed on to the
human race. If only Eve had sinned and not Adam, the human race would
not have fallen. Noah offered sacrifice when leaving the ark.
King of Salem and priest of God, offered sacrifice of bread and wine.
whom God called to be the father of many, offered sacrifice. Under
Moses, Aaron was chosen by God as high priest. This Levitical
priesthood [the sons of Aaron] continued until the coming of Christ,
Who annulled all former priesthoods. There is no record of women
offering sacrifice anywhere in the Old Testament.
Is there any foundation
for woman priesthood in the New Testament?
There is none. Christ, the
new Adam, through Whom are born all the children of of God in the
supernatural order of Grace, offered Himself in sacrifice as both
Priest and Victim. Christ chose only men as Apostles to act in
persona Christi, i.e. to act in the person of Christ, particularly
in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
Is there any foundation
for woman priesthood in the Sacred Tradition of the Church?
There is none. St.
Irenaeus and Tertullian of the early Church, both condemned heretical
sects that attempted to admit women to priestly orders.
Is there any foundation
for woman priesthood [priestesses] in the history of the world?
Yes, but in the paganism
and witchcraft of the pre- and post-Christian era, as well as
the condemned heretical sects mentioned above. It should be noted that
every time such paganism and witchcraft is mentioned in Scripture, it
is mentioned as something evil, to be condemned. This is why today's
feminist "theologians" openly declare how "right" were the pagans and
how "wrong" were Christ and the Church fathers.
Could it be that Christ
did not institute woman priesthood because He was victimized by
culture, custom and prejudice of His time?
Christ was no peaceful
conformist. It is evident that Christ broke many of the conventions of
His surroundings. He cleansed the temple of accepted commercial
conventions and revoked the convenient custom of divorce [which is Rule
#1 of "How to be unpopular"]. He spoke to Samaritans and that of a
woman, He disregarded the legal customs of the Pharisees. Christ, being
God, did not conform to the age. but commanded His age [and all ages]
to conform to Him.
Didn't St. Paul say
that "In Christ there is neither male nor female," therefore, women
have a right to be priests?
This quote from St. Paul
[which actually refers to sanctifying grace received at Baptism and not
Holy Orders] is often cited by woman-priest advocates as an argument
from infallible Sacred Scripture. Yet these feminists ignore
the same St. Paul who wrote elsewhere in Sacred Scripture: "Let women
keep silence in the Churches." [1 Cor. 14:34-35]
Didn't the early
Church have Deaconesses?
Yes, but it is unanimous
from early Church documents that the term "deaconesses" had nothing to
do with the Sacrament of Holy Orders. St. Epiphanius gives
unquestionable testimony as to the non-ordination of "deaconesses."
They were only women-elders, not priestesses in any sense, and their
mission was not to interfere in any way with sacerdotal functions, but
simply to perform offices in the care of women. [Haer. lxxix.
cap. iii]
Does the non-admission
of women to the priesthood have anything to do with "inferiority" and
It has nothing to do with
"inferiority" and superiority," but upon the roles which God has
ordained for men and women. According to Divine Plan, God did not call
women to the priesthood any more than He called men to motherhood. Our
Blessed Mother was the most perfect being ever to walk the earth,
outside of the God-man, Jesus Christ. So much does Her excellence
surpass all of God's creatures that She is Queen of Angels and Saints.
Yet Our Lord did not choose Her as one of His priests, but twelve
unlettered men, one of whom betrayed Him.
Is there any example to help us understand God's order?
The example of the Holy Family bears out God's order. St.
Joseph was the pure and just head of the Holy Family. Our Lady was
lovingly obedient to St. Joseph and Our Lord was subject to both of
them. Yet in the order of excellence it was the other way around.
Christ is the most excellent, then Our Lady, and then St. Joseph.
Heaven recognized Joseph as head of the family as the Angel always went
to Joseph with instructions to "Take your family to Egypt" and "take
your family back to Nazareth." Unfortunately, a Christian understanding
of the proper order of man, woman and family is practically
non-existent in our modern atheistic world, which makes an
understanding of the supernatural order of Christ's Church and His
priesthood quite difficult for modern minds. But it is the modern world
that is wrong, not Christ.
Will any of these arguments convince the feminists
that they are wrong?
No, because they are based on Sacred Scripture and the
Sacred Teaching of the Catholic Church established by Christ. Feminist
"theologians" do not believe in the Divinity of Christ, nor in Sacred
Scripture as the Word of God nor in an infallible Church instituted by
Divine authority, nor ------- for that matter --------
in God the Father. [One of the latest trends in inclusive
language is to replace "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Ghost" with "In the name of the Creator, the Redeemer and the
Sanctifier." Some priests have Baptized using this inclusive language,
thus nullifying the Sacrament and committing the mortal sin of
On what, then, do the feminists base their "theology?"
On pitiful fantasy, wishful thinking and the lies of