O most pure Virgin, glorious Martyr, St. Philomena, whom God in His eternal power has revealed to the world in these unhappy days in order to revive the faith, sustain the hope and enkindle the charity of Christian souls, behold me prostate at thy feet. Deign, O Virgin, full of goodness and kindness, to receive my humble prayers and to obtain for me that purity for which thou didst sacrifice the most alluring pleasures of the world, that strength of soul which made thee resist the most terrible attacks and that ardent love for our Lord Jesus Christ, which the most frightful torments could not extinguish in thee. So, that wearing thy holy cord and imitating thee in this life, I may one day be crowned with thee in Heaven. Amen.Beads:
This chaplet consists of three white beads and thirteen red beads.
On the medal say the Apostles' Creed to ask for the grace of faith. On
each of the white beads say an Our Father in honor of the three Divine
Persons of the Blessed Trinity in thanksgiving for all favors obtained
through her intercession. On each of the red beads [which are thirteen
in number to commemorate the thirteen years that St. Philomena spent on
earth] say the following prayer:
Hail, O holy St. Philomena, whom I acknowledge, after Mary, as my advocate with the Divine Spouse, intercede for me now and at the hour of my death.
St. Philomena, beloved daughter of Jesus and Mary, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen.
In conclusion say:
Hail, O illustrious St. Philomena, who shed so courageously your blood
for Christ! I bless the Lord for all the graces He has bestowed upon
thee during thy life, and especially at thy death. I praise and glorify
Him for the honor and power with which He has crowned thee, and I beg
thee to obtain for me from God the graces I ask through thy
O St. Philomena, I place my children in thy keeping. Illustrious Virgin, who so thoroughly understood the excellence of purity, keep their souls pure and holy in the sight of God. Wise young maiden, who so fully comprehended the infinite value of eternal treasures and the shallowness of temporal riches and power, instruct my children in the value of things spiritual. Assist them in building up rich treasures in the storehouse of Heaven, where their wealth can neither be destroyed, nor taken from them.
Courageous Martyr, who died in torment rather than offend the All-Good God, teach my children a true horror of sin and a love of true virtue. I implore thee, St. Philomena, to obtain for them the courage to suffer persecution and tortures bravely rather than to deny Almighty God.
I ask these favours with complete confidence, St. Philomena, because I know that thou, who gave all to God, can obtain all from Him and I am sure that thou whoudst never refuse to hear the prayer of a mother who implores thy help for the eternal salvation of her child. Amen
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